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RE: Week 6 - end of the challenge - but the START OF MORE!

in Ecencylast year

yes these two are special dreemers to me! hehe Sam has been a dreemer for 2 years now - but Pen has been in my life for 5 now hahaha

Maybe yu didn't know but he is the one that built our site .. he's our dev :) it was great to hang out with them again. We have met before in UK and we plan to also meet next December for the dreemup - where I will pay for 2 dreemers to come meet 7 of us!! hehehe should be a lot of fun!!

thank you for your condolences., he was a wonderful man - and he was a mentor to my son (that you see in the first picture with Taruk)

hehehe dreem dog! i like that! i'm going to call him that!

We had another dog that we called the wonder dog. i'll call Taruk the dreem dog for sure hehehe