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I was happy to find out most commented they feel their level is high up there.
one, the one that got my attention the most, commented "sad". just a reminder of how many of us are going through very hard times right now and accordingly, our levels of consciousness are all over the scale.a few days ago I published a short #waves post featuring the above image asking members to comment about their level of consciousness (spell that ! 😆).
the above diagram, is a basic one showing a start point at the bottom and the way we go through toward the ultimate state of enlightenment.
the numbers alongside the emotions represent a vibration, or a frequency if you will.
the higher the number, the higher one vibrates.
I would like to talk about acceptance as this is where I feel I am in my journey at this given moment.
when confronted with challenging circumstances, one is faced with two options.
one can fight, kicking and screaming, experience fear, frustration, impotence.
one can choose to accept.
sit with the situation presented and try to find the lesson in it, take any negative aspect of it and turn it into opportunity, take it for what it is, a challenge.
taking a step further, with the above chart we can dive deeper into the meaning of each level we find ourselves resonating with.
in the case of acceptance, I can see I am above the frequency of fear and into the one of love ❤️, and I have been feeling this change and process for a while now.
I am no longer in the 3rd. dimension vibration, but rather, in upper 4th. dimension, making my slow ascension.
Forgiveness is an associated emotional state and my view over life is more harmonious.
I experience happiness and productivity and my state of consciousness is of flow (what happens when you no longer try to control and fight, but rather let go and be taken by the current, trusting..)
and even though I am no longer in the Purgatory, I am not yet in paradise either, there is still a long way ahead of me.
I find myself about half the way to where I want to go in my ascension journey. grateful for what I have already achieved and curious and enthusiastic about what is still ahead.
please share what you feel to be the level of your consciousness in the comments below, I would love to hear your thoughts ❤️
thank you for stopping by 🙏
wishing us all a peaceful Thursday ☮️
I guess I'm also where you are if I were to take these charts as truth. It's amazing though to me that on the internet there are so many enlightened people and when you take a walk on the streets there's so much arrogance going on
So true.
makes one think..