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RE: Screams of Terror: My new alarm clock?!

in Ecency3 years ago

no no no... hehehe just a fox.

not a wolf.

a fox is a very small animal. they are usually skittish... they are like a cross between a dog and a cat hehehehe

but he wanted to go out to help the "woman" that we thought was being tortured! LOL it really sounded like that

here - let me show you

it sounds very much like this - but ours was screaming like OWWWWWWWWWWW !!!! (LIKE IN PAIN!) LOL so scary


Wow!! That cry is horrible.
I mixed that up.
A fox, not a wolf.

the cry is so scary right???? ughhhh too much! lol

Aren't they carnivorous? They sound can trick humans into trying to help thinking it is a human.

yes - carniverous hahaha

but no - that's usually the coyotes that trick humans.

they are very very sneaky animals, the coyotes. i don't like them. its like they can read each other's minds in the pack and then they move as one. don't like! LOL

foxes are just very playful and skittish. a bit mischievous too - but they aren't too bad. except when they are SCREAMING lol

Okay, this is interesting. I am not familiar with their habits, if that fox was found here - I am sure they will have tracked and killed it.

I guess that's why even butterfly hardly wait for us to take pictures

ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLl this comment made me laugh so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!