The Do's and Don'ts of Hive ... and life.

in Ecency9 months ago

This is no official list. These are just my thoughts in this first week of 2024 as I reflect back on my journey that started here in 2016. Things I've learned along the way, as many of the "Hive veterans" have. I'm sure that many of these have probably been shared in multiple posts and thousands of discussions, and that's ok. Common sense, really- but it doesn't hurt to share it often, and in more circles. I also think this can be generalized to most content creation, no matter where you are. But Hive is our home, and I'm a firm believer that we should make it better than we found it.

For those who prefer the quick-skim post-reading method, feel free to focus on the image with the short succinct list! It's pretty self-explanatory.

For those who prefer the read, and prefer to connect in the comment section - the rest of the post is for you! I always invite HEALTHY discussion in my comment section, and I love that my comment section remains almost always respectful. If you are one of the ones that enjoys bringing drama and noise, I will gladly allow you to clang your gong alone.

I've created this list as an image for anyone to use, reference and share as you like. No need to credit with a tag! Also - I have no idea how it shows up on mobile. But the actual image is large, so feel free to save it to view it larger.

Do bring you, but make it the best of you.

We live in a world where people find some kind of pride in "being you". Being you is a rather easy thing to do. Being the best of you is an entirely different thing. We can do a little better, and instead of just settling for status quo - strive for more.

Don't look for trouble, or it will be found.

Hive is no different than the world we live in. As a matter of fact, it is a microcosm of everything you see around you in the "real world". Trouble is not only out there, it's looking to be found. Next door, next cubicle, next blog. If you go looking for it, don't worry, you'll find it.

Do be authentic; fakes are eventually recognized.

People can only wear masks for so long, and the lies will eventually clash and tell the truth. It's so much easier to just be genuine than it is to play dress up. You will spend more time building relationships, than fixing them if you just start - and remain - authentic.

Don't chase dolphins, orcas, and whales. Become one yourself.

I remember when I had enough HP to give one penny on a post. For months, my vote wasn't even recognizable -it was so small. That penny felt like I finally mattered, but I still remember thinking, "I'll never be a dolphin!" But, I am. All of my friends from that time eventually became dolphins - something we NEVER thought possible. It is possible. Now, my next step is orca. It is just as possible. Chasing others is a waste of time. Chase your own dreem.

Do keep a sustainable pace; burnout is real.

The fastest way to lose your joy is to push yourself too hard. Be the tortoise instead of the hare. Consistency will pay off as you invest in the right places with the right focus. Efficiency is key.

Don't take shady shortcuts - they're lies.

I have seen so many people build amazing accounts over time, only to attempt to take a shady shortcut, get caught, and lose everything with one stupid move. It is NEVER worth it. It takes time, but integrity is always the best route.

Do find a healthy tribe; water seeks its own level.

Look at the company you keep. It says a lot about where your own head and heart is at. Find people that are kindred spirits and give. Give first. Giving makes the tribe healthy.

Don't feed the trolls- they thrive on any kind of attention.

And I do mean ANY kind of attention. They thirst for your energy, and they will use any means necessary to get it. Be smarter than the trolls. Starve them out.

Do keep learning - there is always more.

And learning should be a thrill, not a chore. Realize that learning is natural when you're immersing yourself in new places. Take nibbles, and digest. Don't try to scarf it all down or you'll make yourself sick. Every day has a new opportunity to learn - be satisfied with all of the daily gains, no matter how small.

Don't rush! Use patience, discipline and diligence.

Let them be your guide. Take deep breaths and then press onward. Forward motion doesn't have to be at break-neck speeds. Just keep moving forward.

Do help genuine seekers; use your intuition to sense them.

It's not always easy to know people from the start, but as you continue to engage, you'll start to get a sense for people who want help, and people who want you to do it for them. Help - but be wise, and set boundaries with your help.

Don't enable laziness and greed. Recognize patterns.

Certain people have a certain "scent." Vultures always circle the "rot". Train yourself to have the nose that can detect a person that reeks of laziness and greed. There will always be the same patterns in their posts and comments. Resist enabling them, because the behavior will never stop.

Do connect with reasonable consistency.

You're on a social media platform. Connection is expected on some level. When you find people that you enjoy, be sure to spend time maintaining that connection. Reciprocity is a good thing!

Don't forget the people that helped you along the way.

You can't maintain relationships with everyone, and you shouldn't even try. But it's nice to remember the people that were there to make your journey a little sweeter. Reach out occasionally. Thank them with a visit. Appreciate them with your time. It's always worthwhile.

Do ENJOY yourself and CHILL.

We have the privilege of earning for our content. So many platforms will take what you give, and give nothing back in return. Hive is pretty special, so enjoy it for what it's worth and relax a little. Bring the chill to your space, and others will most likely maintain that with you.

Don't sell yourself. You're worth more than they could ever pay.

Don't sell yourself. YOU are worth more than they could EVER pay. Read that again if you need to. Let it hit home and resonate.

Any of those make a mark on your heart? Feel free to share it - or just let it sink in on your own and hopefully it shapes your journey here! I hope it helps! ❤️

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @mypathtofire, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️


EXCELLENT! This is exactly the kind of post that folks new to Hive (and even some of us seasoned folks) will find helpful. Thank you for creating this. Reblogged and bookmarked to find easily in the future.

morning you!!❤️

yes...I really felt like this was a reminder for me!!! hahaha. maybe things I learned, but also things I need to keep telling myself

if it helps others too...woo hoooo!!

hugs to you in 2024❤️

I'm always glad for fresh opportunities for me to learn something new and also be reminded of best practice or things I've forgotten about. For me that happens at least once a year with National Podcast Post Month. The experience of spending 30 days with both folks new to podcasting and seasoned pros fuels and inspires me.

BTW, I haven't forgotten about your fab podcast idea. Let's schedule a call to chat. I'll reach out on Discord. Cheers!

Same here. Reblogged and bookmarked in the browser.


Love all of them, especially the last one "Don't sell yourself. You're worth more than they could ever pay." So so true!

A big hug 🤗

that one is very very special to me also.

I love that I learned this early in life and have not wavered from it. I hope I'm never tempted to.

I have a rather crass example that someone told me once...

A man asked a woman if he could pay her $20 for sex.

She refused-indignant, and said, "I expect much more than that- what do you take me for? A prostitute?_

He replied, "Well, we already establish that you are. Now we are just haggling over the price."

WOWWWW!!! lololol

That made me realize.... A LOT.

Don't even put yourself up for sale EVER. THERE IS NO PRICE. You are priceless.

I wish more people would raise that banner high!!!

Hugs right back to you, my friend ☺️

hahaha... I think I have heard it from someone.

That made me realize.... A LOT.

I read it so wrong at first... I was like that made you realised the prize of that women was more than $20...$200?...hahahaha

Okay, bad joke.

Thanks for spreading smiles! Much !LUV

hahahahaha yes - BAD joke!

but she was ready to sell to the highest bidder - which just made her a high-priced prostitute. lol

better to keep her dignity and keep her value to herself!

dreemsteem, pravesh0 sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/3) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

I love this so much - particularly because it's a healthy reminder that Hive is about engagement. It's not about crypto or web3 or tokens or any of that stuff. It's about real, sustainable community. Great post @dreemsteem

That's where the heart and soul is. That's where the value is. That's where the true riches are.

When people finally realize that's life-changing, isn't it?

Hugs to you, Kara 🤗💞

Don't forget the people that helped you along the way.

That is something that far too many people forget. I just call them "users".

Great list dreemieweemieseeme

Happy New Year

Tengolofoshoooooo hehehehe users, indeed. They will use you for everything they can. Sad. but when they go, it's actually a good thing. More peace! hehehe

Happy New Year!!! <3

Yes, when they go, it is sad to say, a great thing!

This is right, especially the don't forget the people that helped you along the way. Gratitude means everything to me no matter what. Thanks for sharing ma'am.

no "ma'am"...only dreemie ❤️

Lots of people climb up the ladder, stepping over all the people they used to get there....

in the end, they have more money...maybe a bit more presence.. but no one to share that with

keep the friends close, and bring them with!!! ❤️❤️❤️. morning Amie 😊

Good morning Dreemie💗💗

Nice thought. Hunger of more n more wealth make them eat everything around. I shared my best article, i found on internet in my very first post in this amazing Hive space. These all r

LEAF PEOPLE: These are people who come into your life just for a season. You can't depend on them because they are weak. They only come to take what they want, but if the wind comes they will leave. You need to be careful of these people because they love you when things are okay, but when the wind comes they will leave you 🥺

This will be very helpful to those who just joined Hive or those who have little or no knowledge about it like @odunola
Thanks for sharing

You’re welcome

This is a great blog
I’m adding this to my bookmark so I can send to my newbies again


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Wes & Grindan

Don't chase dolphins, orcas and whales. Become one yourself.

This reminds me of the bible verse, blessed is he that giveth than the one that takes.

The world and the hive platform would become a better place if we focus on this singular one- striving to grow so we can give out

I remember chasing whales and following all their account when I just joined

Now I don’t know who is who again

Hahahaha.. we always have moments like this

Thank for sharing this, it's helpful. Someone like me is suffering because I went against the community rule. I will advice everyone to stay to hive rules. Hive is a good community to be. We all need to protect hive community and stay away from trouble.

Thanks for this, dreemie! Will be keeping this as a guide for me and my children that I am bringing on board.

Lots of great lessons here... I could say so much more, but I'll leave it at that 💗 !LUV

#alwaysthebeginning ©

dreemsteem, samsmith1971 sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

I really enjoyed reading this. It is encouraging, uplifting and appreciated. I loved the graphic too. Some wise words of advice for sure. I found this because it was reblogged by @kittygirl and I happened to be jumping around looking at different content. As someone that is still learning and has a lot of learning to do, it is an inspiring and refreshing read. Thank you!

I love my time here on Hive, and in our Discord :) It's always fun to see how our little world is expanding, and yet still small enough that it feels like home!

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Excellent Hive do's and don'ts for newbies and oldies 'Hive veterans' as well, @dreemsteem!
I need to remember not to feed those trolls, starving them is way way better! Pity they will never become extinct.

Thank you so much for sharing this nice piece, we all need these tips, applying all of them will indeed make our journey on hive sweeter hehe.
I'm happy you shared with us 💜

hi there i am not a newbie but there is still plenty i don't understand on Hive. recently i checked my reputation on hivebuzz ranking and to my surprise it was 61 whereas it previously was 68. i have no idea why this could happen. is there somewhere i can read about how reputation is determined and in particular what possible reasons there may be for lowering a user's reputation. including the process of how a reduction is decided and accomplished. i have not received any notification of any wrongdoing so i am also wondering if there is any means of redress in case of this being a mistake. thanks for taking the time to answer.

issue fixed by @hivebuzz. i am happy that it was merely a technical problem that is now resolved but i still have little insight as to how reputation is determined and sometimes adjusted.

Have a look at this post from@arcange about reputation