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RE: The Do's and Don'ts of Hive ... and life.

in Ecencylast year

EXCELLENT! This is exactly the kind of post that folks new to Hive (and even some of us seasoned folks) will find helpful. Thank you for creating this. Reblogged and bookmarked to find easily in the future.


morning you!!❤️

yes...I really felt like this was a reminder for me!!! hahaha. maybe things I learned, but also things I need to keep telling myself

if it helps others too...woo hoooo!!

hugs to you in 2024❤️

I'm always glad for fresh opportunities for me to learn something new and also be reminded of best practice or things I've forgotten about. For me that happens at least once a year with National Podcast Post Month. The experience of spending 30 days with both folks new to podcasting and seasoned pros fuels and inspires me.

BTW, I haven't forgotten about your fab podcast idea. Let's schedule a call to chat. I'll reach out on Discord. Cheers!

Same here. Reblogged and bookmarked in the browser.