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RE: @phusionphil owns proofofbrains (or does he think) and makes it a toxic environment

in Ecency3 years ago

As someone who also opposes the Chinese government for political reasons, I don't see the point of bullying someone for wanting to learn the main Chinese language.

Is not about supporting their government. Is about learning their culture.

I also admire the works of Dr. Sun, the Founding Father of China celebrated in both Communist China and the remains of Dr. Sun's Republic of China(currently exiled in Taipei).

His 3 principles of the People(Minzu, Minquan and Minsheng) and specially his adaptation of Montesquieu's branches of government where the original 3 branches become "Five Yuans"(Executive, Legislative, Judiciary, Examiner and Controller).

In my country we have an intermediary of Montesquieu and Dr Sun with the courts TSE and TCU acting similarly to the Examiner and Controller Yuans, but instead of acting as independent branches of government they are subordinated to the Judiciary.

(Dr Sun painting in Nanjing)


Yeah, the Chinese gov is not the Chinese people, the culture, or the many niche demographics that are China. Learning the language is one of my goals. Or at least learning some basics.

That's the reason why the first Chinese flag to be used after the collapse of the Great Qing in 1911 was a 5 stripes flag representing the "5 Great Peoples of China" that was often seen together with Dr. Sun's flag of "White sun under Blue sky".


Among the few places you can see the flag of Dr Sun, the Founding Father of China in Mainland China is in Dr. Sun's tomb.


It's still quite strange for an authoritarian regime that tried to overthrow Dr. Sun's republic to venerate him as the founding father of the nation while trying to conquer the last Chinese province under Dr. Sun's system of government.


It's not strange. The civil war was never about communism vs capitalism.

It was about who was more in-line with Sun Yat-sen’s visions. Don't drink the Western cool-aid about it being similar to their struggles against the Soviets.

Both sides considered him their founder. Just that one side venerates him as the foremost revolutionary and the other founding father. Different titles, same thing.