@phusionphil owns proofofbrains (or does he think) and makes it a toxic environment

in Ecency3 years ago

Why this is bad:

  • He scares away chinese speaking users
  • He scares away any rationale individual that wants no links to hate speech
  • He paints hive a bad rep for being unflexible and right wing (reagardless of his political views)
  • This behavior makes the communities toxic, he has a powerful trail of downvotes and his motives are, at best nonsense, and at worst xenophobic

How it began

My beef with @phusionphil started when he attacked me personally for posting about learning Chinese (Mandarim). I have been studying the language for almost 6 years and have friends from many countries that speak it as their mother tongue, including brazilian friends, descending from asian migrants.

The first post was not political at all. I literally just went over my learning method to study chinese.

The post got automatically downvoted by a downvoting trail led by @phusionphil

I then posted making sure to tag them and asking for an explanation about why did they downvote, because if you are going to do that at least give a reasonable explanation.

Undeniably racist

This guy went over on a total racist streak. He showed his hate towards China (disregarding that my post was about language only), the guy went over to totally ignore people from Taiwan and Hong Kong that don't consider themselves China, (although Taiwan is called "Republic of China", both mainland and island claim to be the "real" China) some people from Malasia and Singapore with chinese heritage also speak the language.

He went to completely ignore that the language is old and has ramifications and speakers all over the world. Even here in Brazil I know descendants that are friends of mine, some never went to Asia but speak Chinese (Mandarim or Cantonese) fluently because it was passed by from generation through generation.

It is absolutely ridiculous how people just accept blatant racism cases in this blockchain. This gives Hive a bad rep, we already have a rep of being a tinfoil hat community, we don't need a racism tag over our heads. I definitely do not want.


@phusionphil is unquestionably racist against Chinese. You are free to question and boycott the country and the government, but WHY ATTACK INDIVIDUALS?!?! When you start attacking the language and it's speakers there is no way back, you are racist, you could very well have stuck with politics but once you attack individuals there is no other label.


Well, my post was literally only talking about the language. If your beef is against the government why do you attack the language and the individuals?


"I will choose not to care" and proceeds to downvote me with your trail TWICE. Also, for real, do you own POB? It is a genuine question, I did a quick 5 minutes research but did not find who created it, nor WHAT ARE THE RULES of the community.


Oh cute, he upvoted me to rendee... No wait, "you will be downvoted if
I see mandarim content in my feed" and there it goes his chance to try and pretend he is not racist...

Criticize the government is acceptable to me, totally. Attacking people for a language? No, there is no way Hive should accept it.

Things like this should be denounced. It is bad for our already small and bad reputation.

What does he do when exposed?

Attack back. He attacks back. I posted tagging the whole downvote trail asking for clarification.
He considers this "low quality content", despite it being relatively succesful for a small Hiver like me, and me putting effort to try to elucidate the facts, though I understand "quality/effort" is subjective:

Dude you seem to have real issues with yourself. I am sure there is an option to block here on Hive

Also, Hive is not supposed to have only PhD worthy content. It is a social network. If I wanted to post a picture of a cake I made and a recipe what kind of content would that be? Is it not worthy of the glorious Hive motherland?

You support so much freedom don't you? I can see it in your actions how much you value freedom of speech (syke)

Current downvote trail


Just a little while ago they again attacked me with their downvote trail. Luckily I have people that did like the content so it was a mediocre attack.


I wanted to ask you, why do you follow his downvoting trail? What good does he do for the communities with those hate attacks? Do you not see that his hate attacks put Hive rep on jeopardy?

I would first ask you what would be the reasons to follow so devotedly a... strong personality... Like this phil himself? What are the reasons?

Whatever they are, I would also like ask you to take a moment and reflect on his actions, his hate speech and racism and reconsider if that is the person you really want to represent you and Hive.


For good or for worse, Hive is an open platform that gives people unrivaled freedom of speech. It is up to us, users, to make it healthy. Everything posted in this blockchain will last forever (or so it is promissed) and I would not like it to be associated with hateful people that think their opinion and only theirs is valid.

This would be a great place, for it's freedom, to have discussions and exchange ideas, expand our views of the world. But some people insist on screaming and covering their ears, like children do, when presented with different views, opinions, facts or cultures (languages even).

Who really owns proof of brains?

I am still wondering who owns it and what are the goals/rules. If Phil owns it yeah, I want no association with it.

When I hear Proof of Brains at first I thought it was a community of rationale people posting meaning things.

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Phil is autistic. Does you hating on him make you an ableist bigot? Theres a huge problem with all these weak 'floating signifiers' in that they dilute the meaning of terms, making it impossible to distinguish when actual racists and fascists come around. You could definitely call Phil anti-communist maybe even a little xenophobic but he's pretty far from racist. That being said he probably went too far downvoting you for just learning a language. I'd be more sympathetic if there wasn't so much crybullying and virtue signaling. You don't have to shit talk Proof of Brain just because Phil uses it, you know? Hitler breathed air. Are you just going to hold your breath so you don't share something in common with him? Hitler was an artist so we should just disassociate with all art. This is where the logical conclusion to these ideas.

Also is it just me or is it super weird that an account that hasn't commented or posted in 2 years all the sudden rises from the dead to comment on this post and call phil a fascist? Also he upvoted all his own comments but has so little stake ecency cant even register any value.

How is it not racist saying that he will shoot any Chinese?!?!


You forgot the part where it says 'and try to change the way I live'. When you're mischaracterizing someone, you're supposed to crop the context to fit your fake narrative. Otherwise anyone with a brain can see through it. Good luck with being a witness who can't even figure out how to read the rules for a community. You can't play the pathetic victim and community leader game at the same time. Pick one. Also you're grossly misinformed on the Taiwan issue. Yeah they say they're part of China but only because they would get invaded. China even got bent out of shape when a C list celebrity 'accidentally' called Taiwan a country. There's a reason why the US is helping give money for defense to Taiwan and why the CCP's army practices drills to invade Taiwan. People who speak out in favour of a free Hong Kong or Taiwan do so out of a place of compassion and it's not a right wing idea. In 2019 Blitzchung spoke out for a free Hong Kong and got censored by blizzard which resulted in blizzard forever changing the way they broadcast tournaments.

Dylan is super leftist. He trolled the J6 rally. It would be good to stay informed on these things if you just want to learn Mandarin and not be a communist stan because the talking points you mention signal that way. It's a complex issue so I want to extend as many olive branches as I can and not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Again I want to reaffirm that I think it myopic of Phil to take action against someone learning a language but theres additional context people were trying to give you and I think the way you came out swinging was not the innocent probe you're making it out to be. I do want to be charitable in that I know getting downvoted like that can be emotionally jarring and it's not surprising that you would react in an emotionally charged way. I just hope when the emotions subside that we can have a rational conversation in hindsight about how this matter could have been handled better, especially by someone who wants to be respected as a witness.

The threatened ME AND WHO I KNOW OF DEATH! In a public space!

You, my friend, is the one ignoring DEATH THREATS! I only posted about language. You are pulling out excuses for racism and hate speech.

Culture is subjective. The Europeans changed the way natives tribes here lived. The USA changed the way the world behaves politically and culturally. He pulled the “change the way I live” card just to get away with a fucking death threats and racism!

I am brazilian and my country stood neutral throughout history and I support this position. My country has no power to influence world politics. My country only joined WWII when the nazis attacked us in the oceans.

I'm not ignoring death threats. You're just jumping the shark here attacking PoB and creating FUD without any real research. Phil is not the owner of PoB and you're making baseless claims about it when he is just a stakeholder. This should be very simple to understand for a witness who has had an account for 5 years. If you only made this about Phil and how much of a cunt he's being, then you'd be right. But you came here and made a shitload of baseless claims on top that is very irresponsible. I even tried to give you context and agreed with you about how wrong Phil is about equating learning a language with being a communist sympathizer but the problem is that you're stooping to that level of false equivalency with some of your tacked on statements and you can't protect them all under this umbrella of anti-racism even if I were to agree with you about Phil being racist.

Phil is a racist and you are only defending a friend. No problem

I am willing to accept that it is a bad take to defend Phil here. I think its possible due to him being anti-communist and autistic that he made a mistake and is taking this stand against communism too far and it's hard to defend. He was trying to be more empathetic but completely 180d after azircon attacked him. This issue is affecting Hive in a larger manner than just him and I feel like its tearing the whole ecosystem down. https://ecency.com/hive-110786/@jasonliberty/blockchain-bullying-a-new-low-or-petty-tyrants-true-colors-are-showing
I don't like this cycle of abuse. Azircon lashes out against Phil which leads to him lashing out against the OP which leads to him lashing out against PoB with baseless accusations. Death threats are serious and I didn't mean to ignore them, I just thought that there was additional context. Standing your ground is different than murder but getting lost in these semantics is probably not helpful. I'm also autistic and make mistakes in this way which is why I was trying to be charitable to Phil but I am willing to stop defending him if we can get to the meat of what I'm talking about because this is a serious matter as well and it has nothing to do with defending Phil's actions.

@rawbe I read your discussion. You seems like a sensible person. I don't know much about you. All I know is you can express your ideas into words. As a non native English speaker, I often got muted by language barriers. I am increasing my vocabulary but its still hard for me. If I reach at your point of explaining your ideas into words, I will consider my self a luckiest person.

It is full blown racistism.

As someone who also opposes the Chinese government for political reasons, I don't see the point of bullying someone for wanting to learn the main Chinese language.

Is not about supporting their government. Is about learning their culture.

I also admire the works of Dr. Sun, the Founding Father of China celebrated in both Communist China and the remains of Dr. Sun's Republic of China(currently exiled in Taipei).

His 3 principles of the People(Minzu, Minquan and Minsheng) and specially his adaptation of Montesquieu's branches of government where the original 3 branches become "Five Yuans"(Executive, Legislative, Judiciary, Examiner and Controller).

In my country we have an intermediary of Montesquieu and Dr Sun with the courts TSE and TCU acting similarly to the Examiner and Controller Yuans, but instead of acting as independent branches of government they are subordinated to the Judiciary.

(Dr Sun painting in Nanjing)

Yeah, the Chinese gov is not the Chinese people, the culture, or the many niche demographics that are China. Learning the language is one of my goals. Or at least learning some basics.

That's the reason why the first Chinese flag to be used after the collapse of the Great Qing in 1911 was a 5 stripes flag representing the "5 Great Peoples of China" that was often seen together with Dr. Sun's flag of "White sun under Blue sky".


Among the few places you can see the flag of Dr Sun, the Founding Father of China in Mainland China is in Dr. Sun's tomb.


It's still quite strange for an authoritarian regime that tried to overthrow Dr. Sun's republic to venerate him as the founding father of the nation while trying to conquer the last Chinese province under Dr. Sun's system of government.


It's not strange. The civil war was never about communism vs capitalism.

It was about who was more in-line with Sun Yat-sen’s visions. Don't drink the Western cool-aid about it being similar to their struggles against the Soviets.

Both sides considered him their founder. Just that one side venerates him as the foremost revolutionary and the other founding father. Different titles, same thing.

What a childish cunt. This is a problem with down voting, being used not to prevent poor spammy content but instead to boost the ego of narcisistic dipshits who spend too much time within condensed communities of like minded dipshits giving them the illusion they're the brightest in the bunch. Newsflash, you're not.

His freestyle way to prove he is not racist


fascistPhil is a violent racist.

I am asking 1 time, to not be tagged in your posts, unless you want 100% downvotes.

I hate attention, I hate China, I want to kill anyone who is a normalizes authoritarianism.

China is an authoritarian shit hole and I will litterally pay your or kill you if I have to in order to not be affiliated to communist China.

Taking me in a post about communist China would be one of the most offensive thing someone can do, so if you're going to continue this behaviour I'm going to have no choice but to assume you are an active opposition of mine and commit to psychological warfare.

@phusionphil i understand some of your points. As your personality I find it interesting. The first comment I read here convenience me you are a nice person (just maybe currently a bit annoyed by his tagging). And people were talking about azircon and u so you r kind of like justified. Your downvote your choice (maybe). I am non native English so sorry for grammar and poor vocabulary.


Yes thats what i said :)

What you are getting wrong is that I am refusing to take a political stand. You are the one doing it over and over and over. No one is talking about the communist party or their government. It all started with a post about language.

But I am sure you don't even read stuff.

How many of your grandparents died in WWII?

I think you missed the part that I was the one who politicize this, I am the one saying fuck China, I am the one saying fuck you for fucking talking Chinese.

If you plan on posting about the Olympics in Beijing a hundred percent of those posts will be getting flagged to, I already made a post last year warning people that anything about Beijing Olympics is getting downvoted with 100%

@zedcell I was tagged in this post, do you think it's appropriate to downvoted people who are being tagged in a post demanding answers?

I can just provide no explanation for the downvoting from now on if that's the case. Let me known if otherwise.

You're fucking corny. I am downvoting you 100% because your existence lowers the bar for human life and it makes me happy. Good luck with the vid.

Tell me about it... 🙄

I'm glad the reality doesn't escape you. There's hope after all. Thanks for unfollowing me.



Don't take this seriously.... phil had a run in with azircon and ended up getting downvoted for a whole week for 2 words azircon didn't like .... he's probably running rampage since then

Downvoting is lame, I'm sorry if you got downvoted.
Yet, despising the actions of a nation, that's not racist.
Plenty of nation states' out there doing some foul sh!t.
China, America & others, they stand at the top of the list.
I'd like to live in a NS that doesn't thrive on warfare or the
slavery of it's people. But, we get born where we're born.

If it were just the government he was upset about, thatd be one thing, but its not. He is a racist. They're literally jumping from learning a language to attacking China in general. They're triggered by someone else learning a language.

The two should probably mute each other.
That's usually the best way to go about it.

Muting helps too. It needs some work but there was an update with ecency lately that I need to check out, it was suppose to help with muting issues.

Or some that racist asshat should'nt go around trolling people in the first place...
We all get it, he is a racist with tiy dick energy. He doesn't have to spam/troll other users with his bullshit then cry about being called out for being a racist with tiny dick energy...

To be clear, fascistPhil's behavior does not help bring Hive into the mainstream. it's one thing to rant racist ideals on their own blog/thread.It's another deserving of big downvotes for highjacking another person's post to do so/purposefully creating a toxic environment/harrassing others. The asshat literally called for violence. He is a threat and it will be noted by those watching him act like a jag off.

I agree that much of the downvoting on HIVE only serves to make us less popular as a social media platform. I hope whoever is the bigger man in this dispute can pour some water over the fire and let it go out. Life is too short.

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That tin hat is an asshole looking for a fight to push his racist ideals on people.

Well, I guess that means I’m selling the last few pob tokens I had. Glad I took profit when they pumped. With a leader like this the community will soon sink into a stinking hole by themselves.

Mentioned user IS NOT a leader of proofofbrain community.

Ah, so he is just a bully with a downvote trail and a particular hatred for anything related to China. Which is bad for the reputation of the proofofbrain tribe.

Remind me of mmmkkkk that used to downvote everyone with sbi/hbd shares until Berniesanders taught him a lesson.

I don't understand how is this bad for reputation of PoB? Staking is.open and anybody can do that. Shoul he be policed in your opinion?

I don't know this story. Why would he downvotes these holders?

He downvotes anything related to China, Chinese culture, language etc. Just because he doesn’t like China.

Downvoting spammers and circle-jerkers that try to milk the system is great. But if someone shares about how they are learning Chinese and gets downvoted because the downvoter doesn’t want any China related content, then that is bad.

If I were to start a downvote trail to downvote anything related to science, because I don’t like science, then I’m sure markymark would make sure to stop me from doing that.

Perhaps for pob that would be a good idea too.

This is just my opinion, you can do with it what you want.

I meant Berniesanders and mmmkkk111 story. This one I just read about in this post. Anybody is free to act upon his/her stake in any way possible. However, incentives are clear: do, what us good for the chain. And there always will be somebody with a bigger stake to intervene.

Thank you for sharing your opinion

Yeah, I got downvoted by him once apparently for having different outlook on social media. Not the most pleasent interaction here, however absolitely not the reason for creating any lenghty string of words or petty bitching about downvotes... This is not a fortune, I just got over it.