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RE: My Dreem Weeding

in Ecencylast year

Marriage is not about money and I also agree with it. Some people need to take loans also for marriage and it's very common but if someone has the capability then, I see nothing wrong in an expensive marriage. As you said we should arrange it according to our pocket.

I want my wedding to be the latest in town, if the man doesn't have money, he shouldn't even come my way

In this case, I think it seems greedy motive but from a different perspective I don't see anything wrong because it's their choice and we are no one to give them suggestions. Besides It's a matter of financial security and why one lady marry a person who doesn't have a good amount of income?

hehe, I just tried to see it from a different perspective and shared the thought with you. What do you think about it?


LoL.. I agree with you mate, it's the issue of financial security nevertheless, sometimes our eyes should not just be focused on the money alone. And we should also consider the fact that if when doesn't have today, it doesn't mean that he wouldn't have tomorrow 😁😁