I played around with this quite a bit about a year ago, but now I use it occasionally in my posts, so I'm not searching around. I usually use Night Cafe. It's quite fun, I agree.
I played around with this quite a bit about a year ago, but now I use it occasionally in my posts, so I'm not searching around. I usually use Night Cafe. It's quite fun, I agree.
Yes but I use it for commercial work as well, so this is me having fun at the side.
I am now retired :) 😎
But I've also used AI quite a lot in gathering information about something you don't know, and my employees have (and now probably even more) used it at various levels.
Media AI (images, video, music, are very complex because they jump into our reality, but they are evolving at the speed of light).
But I've never managed to make a good - read: beautiful - kaleidoscope out of a photo with AI, although it should be easy...
It’s nice to get to know you better, thanks for that. The integration of Ai (like deepfakes) on social media is concerning but they are made by very skilled and trained people. But O get what you mean by getting a picture out of Ai. It isn’t easy to get out the picture you want, that’s true