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RE: Surprise AMA

in Ecency5 years ago

With my life has gotten easier to get new users on Hive. Ease of use is the main thing. Being a value add to web2 - IE Creating a HE token for a Facebook group, having an add on that can track it from FB. These are the ways we infiltrate web2, by making it better. Once we become indispensable to web2 via our feature-rich toolset, users can more easily be lured over to a Hive front end.

A way to make all your FB friends your Hive friends and give a free account. “Back up your community with Hive” etc. this is da whey.


Overcoming inertia is hard, even though people have mostly only been on FB for a few years.

Make it so their FB life is better with Hive tools. The ol give, give, give, take method.

My latest bait is the Rising Star game. Got a load of amateur musician friends who ought to like it. Not everyone is a blogger. I have already suggested they put their music on Hive.

One guy I know (a smart dude) has issues with the lack of central control as it allows for trolls/racists/terrorists/whoever to operate pretty freely. I have explained this is a compromise of freedom and people can downvote them, but he's not convinced. He's got an account, so it would be cool to get him to express his opinions for discussion.

I am for a full block feature for comments, but not for votes. That is why HE and eventually SMTs can help with it. It shields you from large Holders of communities you may not be apart of or care to join. Some Leo holders I hear are making more than their Hive votes. That is the direction I want to see while Hive is distributed to new users. The power of hive is the network effect, each user onboarded increases that network effect. So Hive should be going to new pockets and HE to communities already here.

I watched a video from @aantonop this morning talking about infrastructure inversion and your concept of an app for Facebook makes a ton of sense!

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