Surprise AMA

in Ecency4 years ago

Sunday’s have been pretty slow, I might play some poker today to pass some time. I’ve really gone there and back this month mentally, and am in a place to get back up and at it.

Lots of things going on, not just on Hive but worldwide & Hive is about to be tested once again I believe. I think we will pass this test where 99% of other “decentralized” communication platforms (I dislike the words “social media”) - just like if Bitcoin had any glaring weaknesses those would have been exploited already.

Feel free to ask me anything, I’ll be curating as many questions as I can.

I’m writing an update about my mom that I will post sometime in the future. The short story is she is now on Hospice. She’s comfortable, not in pain. Thank you for your thoughts and kind words.

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Do you think that the hacking issue within twitter a few days ago is a big opportunity to people to adopt the Blockchain and Dapps?

I've read a lot of Tweets of people complaining about the fact of data security.

What do you think of building an integrated system/market for staking rewards, delegations etc. that will be on the front page of hive?

Similar to dlease, but integrated in the blockchain. In this sense also a type of internal market for HP to liquid Hive?

Basically make it simple for users to buy Hive, stake it and receive rewards in a secure manner.

I like the idea but not sure how we would build that into the core protocol. That sounds like a layer 2/ third party system that can use peer2peer for renting out HP/RC. I would like to see more free market solutions built into front ends for new users to easily get Hp, like peaked has I believe.

What is the plan concerning content discovery on the hive platform as there are a lot of quality content roaming around hive without any attention.. I am an advocate of enengagement bit there are some people who are just about quality content and not engagement. What do they stand to gain by bringing quality content to the blockchain?

How do we discern that a post is quality on hive?

How can hive get to the point of being informal and addictive? we need to find ways to make hive exciting and addicting

Second layer curation tokens not tied to Hive. That way votes are given out by the community because, in theory, these curation tokens will be cheap to acquire. Large stakeholders can then view top holders of certain tokens in certain niche topics to better curate. In example. I really believe communities with community token solves almost every perceived issue Hive has.

As a newbie getting into a community is not as easy as a matter of fact it can be very discouraging when starting.
I am a newbie in this community and i still think newbies are still not getting enough attention.

Is there any other way to focus on retaining newbies?

Recruiting has never been the problem but retaining is a major issue.

What is the future of those who don't want to blog on the hive network?

How can we convince people that decentralisation is an important thing if they just want to share pics of their cat with family and friends?

I picture it as you know a giant flood is coming. You can convince some and they will be prepared, but some will learn the hard way, and with censorship, they goin learn.

Hive to me is a giant ark, those that are late will be willing to give most anything to onboard when we are one of the few games left in town standing.

All I can say is let them know a storm is coming and it cost nothing to join Hive, the r is laughable and anyone with any business sense would be backing up their communities, esp if it’s how they make a living.

Thanks for your reply. I already see the flood coming with independent minds being cancelled from centralised sites. I am sure many of those will become interested in Hive but it is their followers that we really need or they will soon move on.
I believe we have to find a very friction-less way to attract the masses and not just the influencers. I am sure they will come when there are people here to influence.
ps. I am very sorry to hear about your mother and wish you all the best.

Do you have any advice for us newbies?
How can we get others to be more interested in hive?

Have fun. There is a lot to do aside from just blogging. You can name videos on @threespeak or battle with cards online at splinterlands. Try and join a community or form your own. If you have a lot of friends it's nice to create a community and try to invite other Hivers. Have you made a introduce yourself post yet?

Thanks alot! Yes I've made an introductory post

What kind of test is coming?

I am glad to hear that your mom's pain is managed at least.

Withstanding the demise of Web2. Any weakness Hive has will be relentlessly attacked. When you give the censored a home, oppressors won’t allow that to happen without some melting witch screeches.

Any weakness Hive has will be relentlessly attacked.

I agree, it is going to get very nasty over the next few years.

Thanks for this opportunity @theycallmedan. My question is, for sometime i have been thinking on investing on hive, from the little i have in my hand, buying more hive and investing more to it, but my fear is as a newbie that has not fully understood the community, if i invest this little on hive now the how do i stand to regain my investment....and what's the prospect of hive in the coin market for the forseable years to come.

Investing in new technology can be frustrating no matter the amount of research you do, don't let anyone tell you differently. At the end of the day investing is a risk, and no one can tell you (outside of price manipulation) what anything will cost tomorrow, even USD can collapse. All I can say is, if your interested enough in investing but are hesitant, dollar cost avg over a long haul. That way you don't buy the top but you won't buy the bottoms either (assuming the price does not go to zero, which is always possible with anything) - but be prepared to be on an emotional roller coaster, if you can't handle the swings it's not worth it.

I have honestly had a question for a long time, and the truth is that I still don't know how a decentralized network works, but would I like to know where the money that maintains this platform comes from?
I understand that there are investors like you, who support the content with votes, you issue a reward and both parties benefit, but the truth is that I still do not understand how this economy is maintained, how it rotates and how it remains stable ? that is, where the money comes from or how it multiplies, you can understand my point of view?.
The power of Hive lies in the cryptomoney as such, or in the number of people who are on the platform?
If it is the people who give value to the platform, do you think that inviting people en masse can benefit Hive?

The price of hive is 100% supported by speculators like myself and others. We speculate on a number of things. The price is higher in the future, that the tech can make the world a better place for our children, etc.

Hive is backed by “digital real estate” - it allocated you space on a censorship-resistant blockchain based on the amount of hive power you have. This digital real estate may or may not be seen as a value in the future.

Hive can also act as a layer2 hub, explained in great detail in blocktrades recent post.

Thank you very much for your response, I will go see the blocktrades post.😁😁 Have a happy Sunday.

Should have posted this in the AMA community! All good. Do you know when the next HF is?

Didn't know it existed! Thanks for letting me know

All good my man! no worries 😀

What do you think about doing an initiative similar to @abh12345? You can read here their latest report. Could you call a test one week for a similar experiment, but with twitter?

Firma Fermionico 3.png

I like this idea a lot. I’d be willing to help curate it.

If you could live until 100 years old and retain the mind or body of your 30-year-old self, which would it be?

doesn't having the body of a 30yo also includes the brain of a 30yo, which means you'll have both the mind and the body ?

Please be aware of @themarkymark. The user have been kicked off other social platforms and is harassing other users by continually downvoting them. The user also control and use the @buildawhale account (An old voting bot) for this too.

(This comment are auto generated)

Hi @theycallmedan

Hive is platform by the Community for the community. Are we going to have any meet like steemfest on hive ?

Yes, I believe it will be called ”Swarm Fest” although it won't be in person this year because of covid.

Hi Dan
Do you suggest that I should promote Hive as a platform where one can earn money in form of cryptocurrency. Who are our target people? User or investor or both?
I understand that bringing more users on the platform is important but what should be USP that needs to be followed since many people around me are not aware of decentralized and they're not crypto believer.

The ability to have a chance to earn is what I would say if you wanted to market that way. Let them know it's not a given but a possibility. That way if they are new they won't come here expecting easy free money.

Thank you so much Dan. Wishing great health to your mother.

If you could travel back in time what mistake of yours would you fix and why?

As hurtful as some things I have gone through have been, I actually wouldn’t change anything. Bad times pave the road to good times for those willing to endure and stay the course. Some of my biggest wins, if I really think about it, can be traced back to some of the worse moments in my life. If I didn’t do this I wouldn’t have met my wife, if I hadn’t failed there I wouldn’t have moved here, if this had not broken me I would not have learned this new way of life to rebuild etc.

Amigo disculpa el abuso,puedes ayudarme de como funciona está pagina para ganar


  • Name two of Hive's closest competitors.
  • Are anonymous transactions possible in Hive in the near future?
  • What is the most problematic point of the Hive blockchain?

I don't think there is a direct competitor for Hives use case. I would say the ”pretenders” that say they are decentralized but are not. I think those will be exposed by web2 pressure sooner than later.

With layer 2 anything is possible. Would be interesting to see if having privacy on Hive would be possible at scale.

It's still new and is needed today so we haven't had time to make the best all-around user experience but we are seeing big improvements with things like hiveonabord, PeakD slick UI, 3speaks slick improved decentralized storage (soon) - we are getting there.

Thanks for the info - have a nice day ✔️

I have managed to bring my four colleagues to Hive and they are excited. Initially new users are facing problems of being unnoticed and I am glad that every time you are bringing new initiative to encourage new users. A big encouragement of you mean a lot for new users.

Yes, that is the reason for the initiatives is to give any user on the platform a chance to earn some Hive but doing the challenge for that week. Community leaders is another program we hope to make it easier for new users to find a home.

I don't have many questions about the coins. As a caregiver of the elderly and a loyal admirer of those beings who have given so much for us, I hope their days will be pleasant, happy until the last moment when their caregivers can smile at them at all times. The coin market is an event that is always going up and down, giving publicity with some news to move the buyers, sellers and all the public in general, that's the way the market is.

Thank you for your unconditional support.

What tabletop games do you enjoy?

Chess, poker. Rare game of beer pong :D

Nothing overly complicated, then? No epic games of Risk, Dungeons & Dragons, or Fluxx?

I liked risk but haven't played in a while. The closet thing to D&D I've gotten is Everquest but that's a video game.

Ah, good ol' EverCrack. I never got sucked into that, or WoW. Perhaps living where internet service is bad has some advantages.

Glad to see this. Glad to know your mom is comfortable.

My questions — both personal and professional:

  1. What drives you to promote Hive?
  2. You once said Hive can be $10 to $15. What will you do when that happens?
  3. What is that ONE word that keeps you going in life?
  4. Deep down, where do you see yourself in crypto?
  5. Who is your favorite member on Hive?
  6. Any crypto regrets?

I try not to say price points although I guess I may get over-excited at times. Yes, Hive can reach 10-15$ and well beyond. However, it could not. The bet I'm taking is to promote Hive, which I believe will hell the world. Whenever you provide value it will boomerang back to you. So that is how I feel for Hive. The price is a wild animal though, it’s like trying to predict which way the waves or clouds will go. I focus on the utility and spread that as far and wide as possible, the rest of the chips will fall into place.

Confiamos que así será debe pasar la prueba muchos están apostando a esta plataformas de comunicación "descentralizadas.
Espero que su mamá siga mejorando.

Yo creo que Hive continuara pasando las pruebas. Gracias por estar aqui, apoyar y por sus buenos deseos!

I was into poker sometime back, but I really never got good at it.

Do you have a recommendation where to start as a beginner?
Thanks! :D

Hives very on has freerolls, a good place to get your feet wet.

I have played at Pokerstars way back. I still never got good at it :P
I will try the Bro casino ^^

Hive tested? Feel like I am missing something. Care to expand?

Tested by Web2. Hive will put an end to a lot of censorship, & with that will come attacks. Since the Tron ordeal, Hive has proven itself highly resistant communities can come together to overcome most anything.

Thank you 😊

Hive is about to be tested by those who has not discovered it's power. But given that it's already proven itself in terms of capability, we will definitely win. Right now the biggest goal is to spread the awareness and challenge people to test it. I am sure, we will be ahead in terms of mass adoption where every other crypt is trying to reach.

I am sure we will win. It's not our first rodeo & we are on a mission.

What is the biggest hurdle we have to overcome in getting people to use Hive?

After several years Steem still only had a few thousand active users despite mentions in large news outlets and social media. Hive is having to start again to get recognition. Obviously a lot of creative people stand to gain, but they stick with other platforms. I realise that has a lot to do with audience size. Bit of a chicken/egg situation.

With my life has gotten easier to get new users on Hive. Ease of use is the main thing. Being a value add to web2 - IE Creating a HE token for a Facebook group, having an add on that can track it from FB. These are the ways we infiltrate web2, by making it better. Once we become indispensable to web2 via our feature-rich toolset, users can more easily be lured over to a Hive front end.

A way to make all your FB friends your Hive friends and give a free account. “Back up your community with Hive” etc. this is da whey.

Overcoming inertia is hard, even though people have mostly only been on FB for a few years.

Make it so their FB life is better with Hive tools. The ol give, give, give, take method.

My latest bait is the Rising Star game. Got a load of amateur musician friends who ought to like it. Not everyone is a blogger. I have already suggested they put their music on Hive.

One guy I know (a smart dude) has issues with the lack of central control as it allows for trolls/racists/terrorists/whoever to operate pretty freely. I have explained this is a compromise of freedom and people can downvote them, but he's not convinced. He's got an account, so it would be cool to get him to express his opinions for discussion.

I am for a full block feature for comments, but not for votes. That is why HE and eventually SMTs can help with it. It shields you from large Holders of communities you may not be apart of or care to join. Some Leo holders I hear are making more than their Hive votes. That is the direction I want to see while Hive is distributed to new users. The power of hive is the network effect, each user onboarded increases that network effect. So Hive should be going to new pockets and HE to communities already here.

I watched a video from @aantonop this morning talking about infrastructure inversion and your concept of an app for Facebook makes a ton of sense!

Posted using Dapplr

I don’t have a specific question, but just wanted to thank you for your dedication to Hive. We need more people like you.

what is the hive inflation rate and are their any plans to bring it down?

When all things are stable (IE HBD = 1$) the inflation is around 7-8% and it reduces .01% every 250k blocks until it haults at 0.95% and stays there.

but would I like to know where the money that maintains this platform comes from?

Haha, I suspect this was more and less the answer that @wesp05 was looking for. };)

Hahahaha it's true😂, Thank you for mentioning me

My pleasure mate!

You are welcome!!

First, hive is a folk of steem we have to tell ourselves the truth. But how do we manage hive chain as stakeholders, content creators, devs and so on without falling into the same pit as Steem & Steemit?

And happy to hear about your mom’s stable health now. Quick recovery ASAP.

I’m not sure anyone here is in denial we are a fork of Steem. However, Steem is just a name, Hive is the community that separated itself from the hostile steemit inc ninjamine dev fund that was never to be used to vote.

Mistakes are just walkways. The only way to not make the same mistake is to keep walking forward, keep failing forward.

But Hive is using its resources 10x better than Steemit inc was with their ninjamine. I think we learned from the past and will make new mistakes in the future to learn from.

I’m not sure anyone here is in denial we are a fork of Steem.

No denial, it is just a phrase. And the reason for that is we still have the same people that were on Steem in Hive right now. Which means we might be looking forward to seeing most of the things that tire down Steem spring up now such as Flag/Downvote war, Abuse of Stake etc

But like you said; “Mistakes are just walkways. The only way to not make the same mistake is to keep walking forward, keep failing forward.” Mistake is bound to happen but ensure to keep moving forward. I like the vibe. 💪🏽

@theycallmedan, I like your statement, that sentence affects the way I think.

"I think we learned from the past and will make new mistakes in the future to learn from"

Feel free to ask me anything, I’ll be curating as many questions as I can.

Ok, I'll bite on this offer. Here's my question:

Why is it that we almost never have seen you sharing any tune, song, track or anything related with music around here like... uhm... erm... ahem... never ever?

That’s a good question. I’m not sure. I like everything for 90s rap to rock, and everything else in between. I even jam some classical music. So not sure why I never share music, /shrug.

So not sure why I never share music, /shrug.

Haha, don't worry my friend. I'm sure you have your good reasons for this. Busy people tend to be pretty reserved and silent about their musical preferences.

And you know why? Simply because, "Music is balm for the Soul"

But I'm going to give you now the opportunity to redeem yourself and correct that flaw in the process.

Just click here. Participate, share your stuff and compete. And show us the New You right now. LoL :)

Sending best wishes to you and your family.

Thank you sir.

What do you think about Kanda? Is it a good community? I staked my life savings on it, so just curious if you've heard of it and your thoughts... if any. Thanks in advance brother!

I have not heard of it will need to check it out.

I wish your mother a lot of health!

Amigo el mundo esta convulsionado. Las redes sociales solo se dedican a dar malas noticias.
Sin embargo, yo tengo fe y esperanza en el mañana. Se que brillara el sol y podremos salir a disfrutar de las bellezas de la naturaleza.
Así como se que la colmena resistirá tanta negatividad, y saldrá adelante.
En cuanto a tu madre dale amor y mas amor.
Un abrazo fraternal.

I will look forward to your mother's story in the future...
hopefully inspire others who still have a mother in this world.

Happy weekend..
And enjoy in hive...

Sunday’s have been pretty slow, I might play some poker today to pass some time.

If you are getting bored, why don't you come over and play some @dcitygame ?

I've been wanting to play around with that game,
Looks awesome, a great idea.

Lol, join could be the next president of the game😛

As you didn't play around with the game yet, i have send you a luxury home and a public restroom.
It's not much of a city yet, but you have 3 population and 3 income now.

I hope you will take a look at your micro economy on Dcity

Have fun!

Congratulations @theycallmedan! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You made more than 2000 comments. Your next target is to reach 2500 comments.

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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Whale - Make it spray and get your badge!
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!

Hello @theycallmedan,

I hope your mother improves her health so that you can enjoy her for a long time.

Regarding the invitation you make us, at the end of last week I asked myself, why are there not so many interactions in the posts? I agree with you, Hive is more than a social network to call it that, and that's great. However, I have the impression that what is a fortress in Hive, can also constitute, in a barrier of entry for those who enter the first time, to make matters worse, they can feel with the lack of interaction. In this sense, the initiative to become a mentor is favorable. Will this be enough?

Hola como estas, es admirable la dedicación que le pone ala plataforma de Hive para que cada día vaya en crecimiento y que personas ingeniosas y creativas son lasque hace que la plataforma funcione pero la motivación en las personas es importante para que ellas continúen realizando sus escritos y puedan ser valorados.

@theycallmedan que proyectos nuevos te has planteado para mantener a los usuarios nuevos dentro de la plataforma, que evite que se decepcionen sino al contrario, que cada día estén dispuestos a invertir mas en hive. Sobre todo a los de habla hispana.
(Traducción con versión libre)
what new projects you have set up to keep new users within the platform, to avoid them being disappointed but on the contrary, to be willing to invest more in hive every day. Especially to the Spanish speaking ones.

It’s great that the protection wall on Hive is on a great level as I see you said in few of the comment up there.
Also I’ve seen and hear you talking about meditation in few of your videos just curious do you do meditation on a daily basis?
And if you do I’ll assume you see the benefits from it.
And the next one will be are trying to share some techniques with your mother to help her with her condition?
I’m highly recommending to all people that I know always breathing with awareness!
Helps for all kind of problems and help people’s steps into the “Present moment - Here and Now” as they yogi says...

Really happy to be on the blockchain of a decentralized network like this and seeing that there are people like you understanding and wanting to help our Society to have a way of communication in those hard times of censorship.

Also if you haven’t already checked my Yoga teaching more than welcome to do so.
I’ll be happy if you leave your feedback and thoughts on some of my meditation guides that I’ve created.

Stay well I’m sending positive energy to you and your family.


It is incredible as in other networks they do not know about the hive, sometimes I tell them and they never heard about it. We have to keep publicizing it.

My health prayers for you, we are going to miss it a lot when we get out of this. @theycallmedan

Es increible como en otras redes no saben sobre hive, a veces les comento y nunca oyeron sobre el tema. Tenemos que seguir dandole publicidad.

Mis oraciones de salud para ustedes, nos va a hacer mucha falta cuando salgamos de esto.

What is the best way to retain users?

I have been invited to many friends from my country Venezuela and many have entered but I think that of the 10 that have invited only 2 have been reserved, I do not know if it is my retention method or the platform is not for anyone or is a little difficult to use and learn from it if you are very new to it.

I hope your mom is still in full health, thanks for letting us identify ourselves and answer questions. I want Hive to be more than just a way to get money, but an emotional and brotherly starting point. Happy day.

There is a 10 Hive Poker game at 3pm PST today. Are you able to play and get to know Hive Poker League?

No questions to ask in this moment, just want to say to stay strong!💪💪💪
I hope to be helpful with #metalhive, I truly believe in this community.

Totally agree with everything you have said. Thank you for letting us speak and that everyone on this platform can tell us and comment on everything.

Proud to be here, and upload content daily.


What do you think of @dbuzz dapp dan? Isn'it nice if we the hivers should keep on using it? We not know, it will be our own Twitter in the future.

Hive still relies ONLY on speculation to be sustainable.

I personally believe that a "burn to promote" feature similar to the PeakD implementation is the best sink for HIVE, but it needs to be incorporated in the blockchain code, first layer, otherwise we are just counting on frontends to use it out of goodwill.

Do you see this "burn to promote" as a necessary sink? Or do you think hive can succeed without it?

Sending strength and love to you and your family, for the days ahead.

My question is do you think Hive is really decentralized or just being controlled by a few Hive Central Committee Party which can stir how the Hive platform would go and operate? @theycallmedan

You are the right person to ask.

I want to ask, is it possible that one day my account will no longer be able to enter the hive. ?

I have been active since 2018 and my account was created by Steem. I know that now Steem and Hive have separate chains. and I chose hive to ride.

But what I'm worried about is whether someday this account will no longer be able to enter the hive. ? because when I registered this account it was created by steem. this account steem recovery. What do you think. ?

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