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RE: Question Thread #1

in Reveriolast year

I'm sure there are ways of looking this up, although not sure what they are ! I tend to follow @dalz for statistical data on Hive, his posts are a treasure trove of useful and well-researched info.

It looks like Ecency has about 4000 daily authors and PeakD has about 5000, but there may be some crossover between these two sets of data, and it doesn't include all the other front ends, Dapps, and games (I can imagine Splinterlands has a few thousand daily players many of whom won't be using the social side of Hive).

But these figures make Hive a minnow compared to Web2 platforms like Facebook and Twitter, which I feel is what we should be aiming for rather than other Web3 places. After all, Web3 is still a very new concept.

As for how we get there, well I feel it's all about spreading the word, getting the logo out there and marketing ourselves. I don't think we want external investors, that's a very Web2 way of doing things and could be damaging. Investors generally only want three things; a rapid return on their investment, as much money as they can pull out in ongoing income, and control.

While Hive ill need to significantly increase capacity in the future, I reckon we could do it through carefully managed organic growth. A key part would be to increase witness rewards so that they could be spread much further down the list of witnesses. We haven't got a CEO or geographical base, but I feel that focusing on the top 20 witnesses (with the rest as backups getting occasional rewards) could be a point of vulnerability and they'd be targets for attack if anyone came after Hive in a big way.

Having (say) the top 100 witnesses being rewarded for producing a block a minute might require infrastructure changes, but could multiple capacity 5x relatively quickly. So perhaps an answer is to relate the number of top witnesses to the usage of the blockchain to provide the ability to rapidly scale (as well as defend against DDoS attacks). But sadly I'm no way technical enough to know if that's possible or how it would be done !