TORTILLA SNOWLAKES? - What'll He Think of Next?

in Inner Blocks2 years ago

Children are amazing!

Bugger surprises us often. Last night, he was making tortilla snowflakes. Much like when people fold and cut sheets of paper to make "snowflakes" he found tortillas to be thin and flexible enough to do the same. Since they are edible he was biting them instead of cutting them, but the end result was fun and it was a blessing to see him being so creative. Have you ever made tortilla snowflakes? Here's some photos. Enjoy!


Until next time…

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Shalom Kevin.....Haven't been on Hive in like 2 years! Thought I would come back and see who was still around. Found you and Ben / Ironshield still around!

Hey!!!! So good to see you again. Shalom! How have you been?

All in all good. Was able to keep my job through everything the last couple of years without having to compromise my that's good! Get to work from home as well, also a plus! Let's see, also moved and now have more yard to garden in. Also closer to my parents so I can help them as they age, they also have some land that I plan on converting some of it to a garden as well this next year! Keep hearing about food shortages and what not and figured it would be a good idea to grow more than I normally would. I do keep up with your neck of the woods from time to time thanks to youtube....keep living life and thanks for sharing it!

How has the response been with the posts/videos you do for spiritual food 4 thought?

He’s such an adorable child. Children are indeed the apple of their parents eyes