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Well done! It really is so important to take care of one's health, in all times, but especially now. My dad was diagnosed pre-diabetic at the beginning of the year. He and I had a long chat about fitness and nutrition before he set to work. As of now I believe he's lost almost 30 pounds and his numbers are back in the healthy range! He walks a few miles daily, lifts weights for about 30 minutes 6 days a week, and he's about 70% plant-based with his diet. Makes me feel so much better knowing he and my mother are taking better care of themselves. Keep up the great work!

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That is awesome so hear about your dad. And your mom also. Sounds like he has a great plan in place to keep his levels down.

I have a family history with other underlying ailments that complicate my diabetes. With only 10 points to go to an acceptable level, I still have to maintain that level.

Any major sinus/bronchitis attack will just skyrocket my levels. I can't get my steroid injections to benefit those ailments since it contributes to elevated A1C numbers. I also have family history of heart issues. So trying to cure one ailment, makes another worse. Which do I choose? I discontinued the steroid injections. I'm managing as best I can.

That's why I had to make the decision to remove myself from the fray of outside mingling with friends and family. I'm at high risk for virus infection. I don't mind staying in as long as I know I'm trying to protect myself and my family from infection form the virus.

Keep working with your dad and mom. Their healthy choices and habits will benefit them so they will be with you as long as they can.

Thanks for sharing your family's story. Take care, and stay safe you and your family.

Ooh, that is a challenge when you have a few different things to manage, but sounds like you are finding a good balance! My mom has had high blood pressure for years, so we're trying to keep her safely away from the rest of the population as much as possible since she is at a higher risk for any Covid complications if she contracts it. She's been trying for years to find her healthy routine, but having my dad make his own changes has been great for her, as well. It helps a lot when all members in the household are on the same plan! My niece is only 4 now, so I think that was a big motivator for both of them. They want to be around to watch her grow up.

Yes, all family members have to be on the same page to protect and help each other. I have HBP also and Thyroids. All are family history of these.

Trying as best I can. Thanks so much.