Talking About Money

in HODL5 years ago

Hey Jessinvestors

My blog is my journey into money, business and investing and as I learn, I post, lol nothing special, nothing groundbreaking just me documenting the things I see and do. As with most crypto HODL'rs or Bitcoiners, I have to deal with both no coiners and Bitcoiners daily, and it's interesting to see how our interactions differ.

The world of fiat and blockchain is not only different on the monetary policy and protocol level but also in the political and societal mindset.

The idea of openness, decentralisation and transparency not only help keep the system ticking along nicely, but it's opened up and taken a weight off peoples shoulders that fiat seems to have, don't get what I mean?

I'll give you an example.

Deep dark, dirty fiat secret

If I were to ask you how much money is in your bank account, you'd tell me that's too personal, if I had to ask you how much you earn in a salary you'll let me know that's none of my business.

However if I were to ask you how much Bitcoin or altcoins you own, you'd be far quicker to tell me, I mean you HIVE wallet is wide open, I can see it all too.

I don't have to ask people how much they earn in crypto; my feed is filled with daily posts on how much people are making or losing and what they do to earn crypto from work, trading and more.


What talking about money means

When we speak about money so openly and so passionately we limit the chance for abuse; we keep one another informed of opportunities. We encourage the flow of money into options that require funding, we discourage malinvestment, and we allow people to take control over their funds.

A good example is in the workplace, no one likes to speak about how much they earn, and because of this companies are allowed to exploit this secrecy and pay below market value for labour and leverage off this necessary arbitrage.

Another is how we do not glamourise savings in the fiat world, more people are foucsied on what fiat can buy them, their cars, and possesions but in crypto its all about how much you hold, how much you save, how much you invest.

A shift in funds, comes with a shift in mindset

The mindset shift, is that towards using your purchasing power wisely and earning more, not spending it in frivolous expenses.

I know it is by no means perfect, but I think its a step in the right direction for the way we see and treat money as well as each other.

Have your say

What do you good people of HIVE think?

So have at it my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, comment "I am a Jessie."

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@tipu curate

Thanks for the tip

The openness of information about a personal account has its pluses and minuses. I think it should be classified information. It's my opinion. The system itself should deal with security issues. A person is a person and he has the right to conformity.

Well there are options, some will want openness some will want privacy that's up to them and spreading their wealth in various places. It's not like owning Gold or Cash, or stocks are private since the custodial services own it on your behalf, financial privacy is sort of an illusion.

As for talking about it, if they want to conform by all means, but don't complain about the limitations of conformity as you made the choice to do so, that's my only issue with that

Thank you for responding to my comment. I am pleased to communicate with you. Thanks you.

!ENGAGE 30, always great to see a new face in my comments, welcome to the club

I like to communicate with competent and interesting people. Communication gives us great opportunities, we develop. Thanks you. Have a nice day.

absolutely, learning about different cultures and ways of thinking since we interact with people from all over the world, helps me a lot!

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Surveillance of the spendings must become a habit. I often hear about people who win quite a decent amount of money per month, but they don't know where it all goes. That is quite shocking to me. How is it possible to not know where it goes? As with everything in life, discipline is the key. Not spending more than you can afford and always make a budget for a particular thing you want and stick to it. Actually, the rules are pretty simple in order to prevent losses.... But you know, what's simple, people never follow. Life tastes better for some if spiced up with debt and credit for the sake of the appearances of being rich. If someone doesn't keep track of those, they end up being broke at the end of the month and wonder why. If some plan to become parents and don't make an effort to gain some financial education, it can be quite sad and disruptive for everybody's future.

Have a great weekend!

It is simple and it is boring and it's not glamorous and so we're not into it, we live in a world where instant gratification is the way we do things. That's why most people suck at personal development, relationships and finance because those are things that take time and constant learning and small improvements over time. But it sucks to do it alone, if you have 1 or 2 people who you can lean on and be open about things you'll find you have more confidence to share and learn faster

Yes, a team is better than solo

Top notch! Haha. Good points made 👍 I don't see any issue with being open regarding finance, at least it's honesty (which is a rarity) lol

Having had to learn and still learning about finances and avoiding traps, I've seen people fall for scams and ponzis and MLM.s and bad investments and then even the regulated and goods ones not performing and all this chaos

I just feel it would have helped if we were all speaking to each other what we do with our money, how we saving it. sharing opportunities we actually tried and know work, I mean if more people are educated and sharing the better places money goes to and benefits everyone in my opinion

Indeed it is easier to talk money with cryptocurrencies than with FIAT but there is also a risk that people target you as it is so "transparent" and can only be accessed by you.

We could see a rise of kidnapping/torture...

This would suck 😅

Absolutely, I wouldn't ask people to you know post their bank balance online, I mean speaking to people you trust, friends, family, people you invest with or go into business with, so there's more transparency. If I know what we have to work with, we can make better decisions and learn from one another. Now we all sit quietly trying to figure it out on our own

I remember having conversations with a few potential flat mates a few years ago and to work out what we can afford for a place to rent. I asked, what salary they are on and what they can afford, jeez, you should have seen the looks I got! "that's a bit personal isn't it?"

Well, I need to know if I should be looking for a penthouse or a cardboard box you clugnuts.

I often wonder if people are so offended because they aren't in control of their finances themselves.

Oh well, stacking up this morning, thanks for dumping 😁

lol yeah I kinda need to know who I am getting into bed with and your liabilities, I don't want to be sharing payments with someone who doesn't have food because they're pretending to live above their means, hello!!

I'm super open about my finances, probably because I have so little, whats there to hide? lol

Haha! Exactly mate, not interested in some mug faking it til they aren't making it!

I'm open as well but I don't have a choice seeing as everything is available to see on the blockchain lol

Hehehe. This is only soo true. Although, over here there are a number of reasons why we do not disclose how much we earn. One reason being that a lot of people especially family members have this entitlement mentality and so begin to bill you on all their needs and problems.
I like that you keep your posts short and straight to the point.

Lol we get it here too we call it black tax, family always want to get a piece of whatever you got, you doing well so why not?

When I tell them I’m giving you info that will help you they like we don’t care share the wealth lol that’s dumb it just defeats the purpose! Let’s uplift one another and not bring one down because you lazy

Thanks, I’ve sort of leaned what works for me after 3 years here took some time to get my groove

Nice to hear that. I do love reading your post. It keeps me informed and enlightening.

Well, it all depends on who you are asking.
I have no problem talking about my salary or bank size/savings + investments.
I am all open :D Its just not a taboo for me :p

I suppose you're right, but from my experience, no one wants to talk about it, they get flustered and shit. BUt they happy to talk about how much they spent on a house or car or any buying they do, its a weird how spending money is okay to talk about, but not saving money

I feel you buddy.
I do talk about investments, savings and salary with my friends and they kinda listen and thats it.
They don't even mention their salaries or anything xD
They would must rather talk about the money the either spent or don't have/need for something xD

Its so backward for me, how their past is more important than the future xD
I need news friends I guess :p

I have a very small set of people willing to chat about it, the rest will either shut me down, say its boring or just not care what I have to say, which is fine I guess, to each their own.

I mean I do think its important but I don't want to be the boring person always moaning about how to protect yourself and your wealth, so I do it in the quiet, I guess watch what I do not what I say kinda thing

Thats better than my friends. If sometime comes up I mention that, but its always stopped there xD

I have given up on to tell them about such things and just keep my head down and just do.

So just like you, I keep my quite and work for it

I think that many people think things are "taken care of" by the system if they've you know never been burned or yet been burned or realise they;ve been burned but for those of us who have its a different story. Like here, inflation is rampant and its the reason why I started getting into crypto and investing to just protect myself.

I am a numbers person so I enjoy it and I get that's not what everyone else likes, they just want to do what they enjoy but I feel like in times like this you gotta take some time out to do the things you don't like so you can ensure you can have more time in the future to do the things you like

Do I want to work till I'm in my 50s lol hell no, I'm trying to make sure I require less and less of a working income over time. Perhaps talking isn't the best way to get it done and people want to see an example they can copy

Ye it depends on where in the world you live I guess. I just quit my job and next month my union will pay me more than what I got from my job, so thats neat.

But even tho I have that security, I still save every month and I still invest and I still invest into crypto.
Because as you said:

Do I want to work till I'm in my 50s lol hell no
Me neither.

There is 100% an aspect of liking this, makes it easier to get into. But yes, many people dont wanna do what they do like.

My next goal is to learn how to code Python, just for meget future security :D

I am a jessie - Will go and take morning coffee now. Thanks for daily post.

Did you buy some BTC on this latest dip? I got in at 11 and 10, if it goes into 9 I'll buy again :)

Last dipp...
Last time I bought it was 8000
I dont buy regulary. Just when I have money to spent and find a way.

So that MATIC trade we did was your last crypto buy? I think I have an addiction to buying, I can't help myself sometimes.

yes it was.
Well - I do not count when I send 1 USD in dash to a sajt just to try it out. I was trying LA token exchange for example.
Maybe I buy for fiat 2-3 /year only.
But just now I have 130 USD to spent so maybe it is a good oportuunity. Just have to figure out a way in.

Have you been checking out some of the DEFI like uniswap and sushiswap and now HIVE has dSwap too?

I really liked your post. Thanks you.

Your links is weird. Can not use it in computer?

You can't use on the PC you have to do it on your smartphone

I can register at exchange at computer. But ok - then I understand why. I did not register anyway. I hate to give away my phone number. I have done it to many times in life already.

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