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RE: Talking About Money

in HODL5 years ago

Well, it all depends on who you are asking.
I have no problem talking about my salary or bank size/savings + investments.
I am all open :D Its just not a taboo for me :p


I suppose you're right, but from my experience, no one wants to talk about it, they get flustered and shit. BUt they happy to talk about how much they spent on a house or car or any buying they do, its a weird how spending money is okay to talk about, but not saving money

I feel you buddy.
I do talk about investments, savings and salary with my friends and they kinda listen and thats it.
They don't even mention their salaries or anything xD
They would must rather talk about the money the either spent or don't have/need for something xD

Its so backward for me, how their past is more important than the future xD
I need news friends I guess :p

I have a very small set of people willing to chat about it, the rest will either shut me down, say its boring or just not care what I have to say, which is fine I guess, to each their own.

I mean I do think its important but I don't want to be the boring person always moaning about how to protect yourself and your wealth, so I do it in the quiet, I guess watch what I do not what I say kinda thing

Thats better than my friends. If sometime comes up I mention that, but its always stopped there xD

I have given up on to tell them about such things and just keep my head down and just do.

So just like you, I keep my quite and work for it

I think that many people think things are "taken care of" by the system if they've you know never been burned or yet been burned or realise they;ve been burned but for those of us who have its a different story. Like here, inflation is rampant and its the reason why I started getting into crypto and investing to just protect myself.

I am a numbers person so I enjoy it and I get that's not what everyone else likes, they just want to do what they enjoy but I feel like in times like this you gotta take some time out to do the things you don't like so you can ensure you can have more time in the future to do the things you like

Do I want to work till I'm in my 50s lol hell no, I'm trying to make sure I require less and less of a working income over time. Perhaps talking isn't the best way to get it done and people want to see an example they can copy

Ye it depends on where in the world you live I guess. I just quit my job and next month my union will pay me more than what I got from my job, so thats neat.

But even tho I have that security, I still save every month and I still invest and I still invest into crypto.
Because as you said:

Do I want to work till I'm in my 50s lol hell no
Me neither.

There is 100% an aspect of liking this, makes it easier to get into. But yes, many people dont wanna do what they do like.

My next goal is to learn how to code Python, just for meget future security :D