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RE: Cub Finance Hacked. Pull Out Your Liquidity ASAP

in HODL4 years ago

Wow. Now your fighting over people's friendships. Wow. Just wow.

Go back to licking windows.

There's 2 things you won't ever get. Pussy and respect.

You just made me die of laughter.

I shit the bed I laughed so hard.

And that shit is still way more valuable than your opinion.

I hope you get your opinion handed back.however I know with that attitude it will happen time and time again. However you are lacking the mental ability to learn from your mistakes.

And you don't know what a joke is. Got it.

May you fortificate with a centrifugally-charged pastry.

And I have a feeling that you got herpes from abusing farm animals... And then spread that infection to the rest of the farm animals...

I have better jokes than you do hahaha!