As a harbinger of bad news, it always feels bad to me to break such heart-breaking breaking news. But I need to alert you all on this immediately.
Cub Finance, the most acclaimed DeFi project of Leo Finance just got hacked
As soon as Cub Finance's surpassed the sweet spot of $20 million in TVL, it caught the attention of some greedy hackers.
The hacking is under process and funds are rapidly being siphoned off the Cub Finance and out of the BSC chain. Many wallets are already empty:

If you hold any funds in their smart contract, get them out of there as fast as you can!
Other forks of PancakeSawp project like Thunder Swap, Hyper Jump, Zebra Swap, Dinosaur Finance, Ape DEX etc. also got affected with this hack. Prima facie, it looks like hackers got hold of some vulnerability in PancakeSwap forks. However, Pancake Swap seems to have fixed the bug after one of its initial audit, so it's safe this time.
There are also rumours suggesting that Leo Finance founder Khal decided to rug pull. It seems $20M was too much for him to ignore and he finally pulled the trigger. However, when I tried to get in touch with Mr. Cryptopie, he was not available for a confirmation.
So we don't know if this was a hack or a rug pull. But sources indicate that even if it was a rug pull, it's not an exit scam. So Leo Finance holders need not worry. Khal will still be there after this rug pull in the hope to gain from this experience and do it better next time!
Another reason for this havoc could be the news from Defi Governance. Cub's DeFi Governance has just declared all cubs as vermin. They were under pressure as Cubs were recently confirmed as a source of the new Covid-21 virus. Hence it executed a shoot-at-sight order for all cubs. So cubs are no more safe except if they are in their Den.
Thus Den holders need not worry from this incidence. Their CUBs are safe
But when cubs are scared they may run for their life.
Everyone knows the running speed of tigers. But do you know how fast can cubs run?
Well, whatever! But you need to run faster than that.
Important Disclosure:
This is an attempt to play an innocent April Fools' prank.
Happy April Fools' Day to you all! 😂
Always confirm the authenticity of any news before you act upon it.
Keep hodling CUB!
You could have prefaced this post better as being an April Fools' joke. This post starts out serious and includes the possibility of embezzlement. If someone had read only some of the beginning of the post they might have panicked and withdrew "ASAP" just like the post title suggested.
Would you walk into a bank today, wave a gun around screaming how this is a bank robbery and then claim it was all just a prank so never mind?
Don't just put absurdity and disclaimers near the end and start serious. Start out absurd and a genuine Fool will already be primed and ready to fall for it while everyone else can laugh.
It's just a april fool's joke... Come on man.
I think @xyzashu and maybe you also don't quite grasp the objective of April Fools' day. It's not about the quantity of fooling as many people as possible. That's what psychopaths do every day so fooling as many as possible isn't special. It's about the quality of the prank. What @xyzashu tried failed because it didn't have style. Like I wrote above a fool is already primed and ready to be ferreted out. @xyzashu just scared some people needlessly. That's simply not sporting.
Oh come on.
this behavior that everything is always so serious and you can't joke about anything and your rules apply when there was no agreement to abide by your rules...
Lighten up and quit being so sensitive.
Like I said all of that stress anger and frustration is extremely unhealthy...
Prove me wrong and use my example above. Walk into a bank and wave a gun around screaming how you're robbing the bank and then suddenly laugh because you fooled everyone. Maybe your court appointed lawyer can explain the concept to you better than I can.
P.S. Don't actually do that. For the love of God don't do that. I don't want some poor security guard shooting you dead. Darwin may want that but I don't.
Wow again rudeness and trying to equate apples to oranges.
It's a simple joke Man and honestly enough your response definitely shows a disturbed mind and behavior.
joking or not that is still highly unacceptable and even worse than an April fools prank that you somehow have a problem with.
Get a life man.
Better yet get a sense of humor.
I can offer you explanation but I can't offer you understanding. If you can't or won't process it then I am done. I made an April Fools' post earlier today that @azircon didn't downvote probably because I followed my own advice I gave to @xyzashu. I prefaced the post and started out absurd. What you're doing through dismissiveness is encouraging @xyzashu to do a similar prank next year and get downvoted again. How is that helping @xyzashu? It doesn't. Who is really the rude one in that context?
Even my puppy is laughing at everybody who got caught and overreacted by a simple April fool's prank...
Lighten up everybody start living life and laughing. With life is I'm going to be over before you know it
Just pranking! Enjoy the $20 DV
Ha ha ha!
Great job with this very funny joke hahaha.
Good job man good job
Thanks for enjoying!
Sometimes, we need some fun too :)
Yep that was great... Lol!!! Awesome job!!!
Not funny!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
So sorry!
A bunch of people get hacked every day. Imagine people seeing your post (remember it's visible outside LeoFinace as well, worldwide) and maybe not everyone will scroll down to see it is a sick joke. Imagine how it reflects back to LeoFinance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Good point about the worldwide aspect. Not everyone uses the Gregorian calendar and/or would know about April Fools' day. Some context could be lost across cultures.
Ah come on what is up with this lack of humor it is April 1st if you didn't catch that come on...
I don't care what day it is, you don't joke with such things.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Awesome you have no humor and got caught.
Got it! Lolz!
Why so serious? Lolz.
And if you overreacted to everything just imagine what an issue that is.
The only person that can react is you and your behavior shows exactly what the problem is.
And all that stress is definitely not healthy.
Sounds like you need to look into anger and stress Management before you get a heart attack or stroke.
Seriously man lighten up.
🤦♀️ Jesus! Waste of time.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol yes you are...
What ever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.
Like glue.
Suck it up princess buttercup. You overreacted freaked out and all over a simple joke.
2 seconds of actually checking would of shown that this is just a joke.
Instead you're all anaLy chafed and we are withholding ointment.
And loving this. I'm dying of laughter. So many people are scared? Over what. Nothing and a simple joke.
The real reason you are mad
You got caught and overreacted. You embarrassed yourself. Then act even worse to make the situation worse.
At least I'm smoking some really good dank and having an excellent time with all your crybaby behavior.... Lol
I am sorry @xyzashu that people got scared 😱 but I have to admit I was rushing to CubDefi and scrolled down to see the conclusion. And I was like « damnit he got me ! ».
So great prank but as you saw some people also got scared.
Maybe you can put the April’s fool at the top and a fish 🐠 in the title so people might realize what day we are ?
I was already scared haha, I don't think the same thing will happen again as with wleo
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's April 2nd. Stupid joke or not you need to edit that headline immediately before someone sees it and does act on it.