Prove me wrong and use my example above. Walk into a bank and wave a gun around screaming how you're robbing the bank and then suddenly laugh because you fooled everyone. Maybe your court appointed lawyer can explain the concept to you better than I can.
P.S. Don't actually do that. For the love of God don't do that. I don't want some poor security guard shooting you dead. Darwin may want that but I don't.
Wow again rudeness and trying to equate apples to oranges.
It's a simple joke Man and honestly enough your response definitely shows a disturbed mind and behavior.
joking or not that is still highly unacceptable and even worse than an April fools prank that you somehow have a problem with.
Get a life man.
Better yet get a sense of humor.
I can offer you explanation but I can't offer you understanding. If you can't or won't process it then I am done. I made an April Fools' post earlier today that @azircon didn't downvote probably because I followed my own advice I gave to @xyzashu. I prefaced the post and started out absurd. What you're doing through dismissiveness is encouraging @xyzashu to do a similar prank next year and get downvoted again. How is that helping @xyzashu? It doesn't. Who is really the rude one in that context?
Cry me a river.
Build a bridge.
Get over it.
Quit acting like a baby.
Thanks princess cupcake. We love your temper tantrum.
I have an April Fools' post not downvoted by @azircon as my credentials that my advice isn't as worthless as @xyzashu's HIVE reward for this post will be because of a failed execution of a prank. If @xyzashu wants you as a prank consultant when you don't even have a current example to offer then he's all yours. Bye.
Wow. Now your fighting over people's friendships. Wow. Just wow.
Go back to licking windows.
There's 2 things you won't ever get. Pussy and respect.
You just made me die of laughter.
I shit the bed I laughed so hard.
And that shit is still way more valuable than your opinion.
I hope you get your opinion handed back.however I know with that attitude it will happen time and time again. However you are lacking the mental ability to learn from your mistakes.
And you don't know what a joke is. Got it.
May you fortificate with a centrifugally-charged pastry.
And I have a feeling that you got herpes from abusing farm animals... And then spread that infection to the rest of the farm animals...
I have better jokes than you do hahaha!