I hear python is cool too and pretty widely applicable, I once started to learn Python, but I think I got lost at a point, because I had to have some prior knowledge of some other programming language. Or so it seemed.
How has the learning curve been for you? If you don't mind, can you share why youre learning Python and what you hope to achieve with it?
Hmmmnn I can't exactly point to one as I learnt from many sources over time, including my lecturer in the University, maybe @tykee can help with that.
I'd check out bitdegree, is that where youre learning Python from?
Posted using Dapplr
I focus on JavaScript and I have not really have the chance to pick anything in python. Also, coding is a continuous learning, and their are many things to learn. You really need time and patience if you want to learn well. So, sit back and focus on learning. When you get stuck, check https://stackoverflow.com/ and use #gitplait too.
Oh nice....thanks a bunch
Well I am still in the "process" of learning.
So I basically cannot do much with Python yet. But I used Udemy and now looking at bitdegree as it is a bit less expensive and I can help a newly built blockchain/project to thrive 😃
Well....I guess I'd be hanging around bitdegree a lot