While reading you I saw myself reflected in your lines, my blood pressure was already an issue and since the death of my mother becoming the lady of the house and having to deal with other situations has become a problem, I have had crises in which the head dollars are terrible and I get to vomit, it is not something pleasant, but I am thankful that my body can still react and help me to release pressure.
I too wish I had wealth, not to live in a mansion, to afford the expenses of a house (invest in something profitable that produces more money monthly), which never ends and to be able to do other things for pleasure or when I want without pressure of having to wait for my retirement, which is 7 years away.
I am trying to take many situations more calmly for my health, but sometimes one thing is what I think and want and another what my mind and body end up doing, actually the subconscious is a whole subject.