Finish the Sentence

in Reflections5 months ago

A colleague of mine messaged me today while en route to a client meeting somewhere in Austria. He was driving with another colleague (who was driving) and messaged how beautiful the scenery was, saying;

I could give up this work nonsense and just chill here for a while.



I feel it.

Not because work sucks or anything like that, but perhaps I think I get more tired than I did before the stroke. I still pretty much do the same things, but the extra effort it takes just in thinking power, leaves me more drained these days. Due to illness, over the last three decades I have learned to keep doing regardless of how I actually feel, but it has stepped up a level in the last years perhaps. Living in the mountains might do me some good.

But realistically, that isn't going to happen.

Because while it is easy to say, it is far harder to do. Outside of a short holiday, the disruption to life would just be far too great. Perhaps it would be different if it was just me to think about, but that isn't the case. With a family, there are other factors to consider. Can't just pick up and leave.

... I'm going out for milk...

I think this is where having large amounts of wealth would be handy - along with a thousand other areas. But, just being able to do as one pleases financially, and go with the wind, sounds pretty great. Granted, I would probably get bored after a couple months and be looking for something useful to do, but having the option available is what probably affects my mind the most.

Or maybe it's knowing that I don't have the option.

Sometimes I wonder if it is because I don't really know what I would do if I was in the position to do whatever I wanted, that I am not in that position. Perhaps I self-sabotage because I haven't laid out the plans clearly enough. I perhaps because I haven't laid out the plans clearly enough, I don't start enacting them.

Probably the latter.

Of course, doing the right thing doesn't automatically mean the desired results will arrive, but not doing them pretty much guarantees they won't. There is always the lottery of chance of course, and many of us seem to play that game, doing as we please, wanting something we aren't working toward. Getting bitter when we don't get what we want.

Better. Not bitter.

That is my heading at the moment. I am trying to "work on myself" so that my actions better represent who I aim to be, rather than reflect the conditions of my life now. Sure, my mind and body might be more tired than it perhaps should be at my age, but succumbing to the current conditions is going to lead to further degradation of areas I would rather build instead.

I'm the kind of person who...

How do I want to finish that sentence?

[ Gen1: Hive ]


...carries on with things long after he probably should have moved on.

Might have a winner... :D

Honestly, it's more a projection of my own introspection.

*‘… be better and not be bitter about what you don't have’. He strikes me as a mature person who prepares the environment for when the golden years of retirement come. I feel this way, because it is the same way I see the time I have left to spend on this earth.

I also sometimes want to leave everything behind and live in a house with a garden in a village, which is close to a sea :)

Waiting for retirement for such a dream is a suck!

Hay que atraer el dinero, mandemos mucha energia al universo para que rebote y nos mandé más dinero, mucho, en abundancia, pero claro "haciendo nuestra parte para que esto suceda 😉"

I feel like each year I am less and less enamored with my job. It's not that I don't like it, but I just feel like I am transitioning to that time where I am ready to be retired. I still likely have a ways to go, so perhaps a shift will need to happen, but we will see.

While reading you I saw myself reflected in your lines, my blood pressure was already an issue and since the death of my mother becoming the lady of the house and having to deal with other situations has become a problem, I have had crises in which the head dollars are terrible and I get to vomit, it is not something pleasant, but I am thankful that my body can still react and help me to release pressure.

I too wish I had wealth, not to live in a mansion, to afford the expenses of a house (invest in something profitable that produces more money monthly), which never ends and to be able to do other things for pleasure or when I want without pressure of having to wait for my retirement, which is 7 years away.

I am trying to take many situations more calmly for my health, but sometimes one thing is what I think and want and another what my mind and body end up doing, actually the subconscious is a whole subject.

I'm the kind of person who...believes that crypto can save the world.

My mother believes that fasting and praying can stop wars... So I will take believing in crypto anyday.

...will finally be able to take a long vacation.

... dwells between his archetypes. None to abandon, none fully embraced.

Engages in activities that ensures life is maintained for my family as well, than just being selfish to move on to some fun and inconsiderate dream.