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RE: Arguing With Myself

in Reflections2 years ago

The other day I was listening a lecture. It was a religious one, yet quite logically understandable non-religiously as well.

The speaker said that it is the attitude of Satan to make a mistake and then blame the external elements for this, while Adam (human) stood superior to him because he had the courage to take the responsibility for his mistakes.

The point to understand here is that there are, certainly, external agents that affect us in multiple ways. However, when we take the responsibility of our mistakes we acquire the courage and strength to bring betterment in our situation and circumstances.

Refusing to take the responsibility is a journey towards worsening of the situation.

I agree that we should appreciate one's steps towards betterment. No matter how small they may be. Man being the social animal needs reinforcement from his fellows. Our support may turn the small steps into a long journey.