We all know that feeling of watching life go by without being part of it, it happens to us at times and it is normal. Depersonalisation is a subjective experience characterised by an alteration in the person's habitual way of perceiving themselves and their body. It is the feeling, usually temporary, of “losing oneself”, feeling “different”, “strange” or “as if in a dream”. The person feels detached from the experience and becomes a witness to mental processes and bodily sensations that do not seem to be his or her own, as sometimes happens when dreaming. Moments of depersonalisation are relatively frequent in everyone in general. It is a passing and curious thing, like when we are tired and feel that we are doing things like automatons.
This isn't depersonalisation however, it is something different again. As said, it is hard to explain to someone who hasn't experienced it, and the fact is, not many (thankfully) will ever experience it in this way.