Definitely something I struggle with... I'm honestly so focused on the future and what I'm building that I rarely check in with myself to see if I'm happy right now... and I actually usually am. Life is pretty good and the people that I love are healthy and seem pretty happy too. There are lots of injustices in the world and lots to work towards, and I definitely worry about the impact things like climate change will have, but I'm doing what I can and hopefully I'll eventually leave this planet in a slightly better shape than I found it.
I've definitely never thought that I'm living my best life and it couldn't possibly get any better because I'm not sure that's how my brain works. I think I'm always hopeful things might get better... but as I said, I'm also not very good at recognizing when this moment that I'm in is really great.
It's important to take the time to be in the moment, all that hard work and effort for the future is creating great things around you and you should stop to enjoy doesn't mean your forward progress will be halted, in fact you'll probably find it accelerates.
You can't ask more of yourself and that's a lot more than so many are doing. Be content, happy with it, work for the future, yours and the planets, but don't forget to be present in the moment, right now...It's all you have.
Nope, maybe not...but you're living your life meaning what you have is be present. You deserve that.