When was the last time you said to yourself, I'm living my best life right now and it couldn't possibly get any better. Have you ever said it, and if so, did you really mean it and believe it...and know it to be true? I mean really...is that your reality?
I woke up this morning, I celebrate that because not waking up means I'm dead, after a reasonably good sleep, had breakfast and coffee in my alfresco area and contemplated last week and the last few days; they've been a challenge. My thoughts felt scattered if I'm honest however I decided life was pretty good and that I don't have much to complain about...and a lot more to be thankful for...despite those [reasonably serious] challenges I'm faced with.
I delved more deeply over another coffee pondering why I felt life was my best life right now pretty good; I listed those reasons and realised each of those existed because I'd made them happen, worked towards them applying effort, consistency and tenacity throughout my life. It was interesting to note that nothing on that list was something that had simply fallen into my lap by chance and none occurred overnight; they came over time, through sustained effort.
𝑶𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒆
Naturally, with any list of that nature, there's an opposing list which itemises things that have gone wrong or are not optimal; a list of failures and things I've not been able to positively-affect - sometimes outside of my control or within it. Some I could perceive as personal failures, others as situations beyond my abilities and sometimes those things are just life being life. I don't mind that list, it doesn't demotivate me; rather, it's the opposite. It tells me where I need to invest more effort and ownership, show more grit, learn and understand more...it's a road map and that's what's put items on that other list...I've worked at one to provide the other.
My life is pretty good.
Sure, I'm not sitting on my 1000 SKYDECK - by Ferretti Yachts, floating off the coast of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat (pictured) with a gin and tonic in hand served by a babe in a skimpy Eres bikini whilst my business empire increases by another billion dollars...nope, I'm not doing that. But, I am living a life I created myself, a comfortable one, that I put together in the face of great adversity, through terrible moments, great setbacks and monumental failures. Do I want to be on that yacht I mention...hmm, yeah it sounds good, but rich people aren't always happy and they have problems too, often much larger ones than others, because money doesn't necessarily lead to a fulfilled and best-life scenario.
𝑶𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒚𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕
I'm not anti-wealth, far from it, but I'm more pro-best-life and know that I don't need a yacht to find that.
I don't begrudge those who have more wealth than I; I applaud it, and more vigorously if they've created it themselves, I just don't think it's productive to wish or hope for it and so I don't. Instead, I work on doing the things I can to step closer to my own best-life situation, work on learning from mistakes and failures and pushing forward again towards that best-life. For me, it's the best only way to go as it provides a pretty good life along the way and that's all we really have I guess, the journey, because the destination is...well, it's the end.
We live in a world of great disparity; some lead affluent lives, some struggle to put food in their mouths and clothing on their backs but one thing we all have in common is that we have the ability to choose, I don't mean whether we're wealthy or not, I mean choose the attitude in which we approach our lives and I believe that's one of the most important choices we can make. I'll probably never have a yacht, mainly because I don't want one, but whether I'm on my yacht or not, I happy knowing that my attitude towards life, my life, leans forward towards a best-life scenario and I think that's enough.
When was the last time you said to yourself, I'm living my best life right now and it couldn't possibly get any better. Have you ever said it, and if you have, did you really mean it, believe it and know it to be true?
If you're keen to offer up an answer then do so below, I'm interested to see if you're living your best life, or have done in the past, and what that even looks like. A yacht off Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, a happy and healthy existence, great financial wealth, a simpler life...what does it look like for you and if you do not have it, why not?
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
[Original and AI free]
The image is mine, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France.
What is it about yachts and lambos XD
maybe I just don't have a clue because they're not even in the same universe as "my thing"
My best life would have been being able to work full time on this project and pull enough money that J could do everything that I had to do when the kids were little as he would have been much better at it. Sadly he was more economically viable to begin with and I wasted a lot of time having to learn stuff (which was a lot of the usual learning stuff and nonsense of trying and failing repeatedly until nutting it out) and couldn't spend that much time on it because I had more important things to consider so the best life never happened and never will.
I am however unreasonably stubborn so I just keep working at it no matter what
J keeps trying to convince me that we should just move onto a yacht and I keep shutting him down (or giving him the option to just go on his own but he doesn't want to do that so the poor guy is stuck with me in this landlocked house).
Life is pretty good other than that, at least we can do a fair bit of what we want (the kids are only just getting the context to realise that's actually pretty good, when they were younger all they saw was that it was thoroughly unfair that they couldn't have and do everything they wanted whenever they felt like it and other people could, without realising that they could do and had a lot).
No idea what's the go with yachts and Lamborghini's, I don't want either, but it seemed like a good way to make a point I guess, considering the photo also.
When I was a kid I always thought I was hard done by, but learned as I got older that that wasn't the case at all and that whilst there's wasn't a lot to go around, I had what I needed and that was good enough. Fortunately I carried that new paradigm forward into my adult life and have had a pretty good one because of it. I don't want to die tomorrow, but if I knew I was going to, I'd go out believing I've had a good life.
Definitely something I struggle with... I'm honestly so focused on the future and what I'm building that I rarely check in with myself to see if I'm happy right now... and I actually usually am. Life is pretty good and the people that I love are healthy and seem pretty happy too. There are lots of injustices in the world and lots to work towards, and I definitely worry about the impact things like climate change will have, but I'm doing what I can and hopefully I'll eventually leave this planet in a slightly better shape than I found it.
I've definitely never thought that I'm living my best life and it couldn't possibly get any better because I'm not sure that's how my brain works. I think I'm always hopeful things might get better... but as I said, I'm also not very good at recognizing when this moment that I'm in is really great.
It's important to take the time to be in the moment, all that hard work and effort for the future is creating great things around you and you should stop to enjoy them...it doesn't mean your forward progress will be halted, in fact you'll probably find it accelerates.
You can't ask more of yourself and that's a lot more than so many are doing. Be content, happy with it, work for the future, yours and the planets, but don't forget to be present in the moment, right now...It's all you have.
Nope, maybe not...but you're living your life meaning what you have is it...so be present. You deserve that.
When prompted by your question, my mind swiftly turned to the Koh Samui trip I went. It was during that time that I constantly realized the true value of life. It wasn't extravagant, although we did indulged ourselves a bit, certainly not to the extent of acquiring a yacht. Instead, it was about savoring life's modest joys, relaxing, and simply lounging by the beach, soaking in the wonders of nature. Life can be uncomplicated, and I believe that the most fulfilling life springs from one's inner contentment 😊
And there it is..., even for just some brief moments. #bestlifescenario
String a heap of those moments together and they start to touch at the edges then overlap.
It's like you're in my head bro. Don't worry, there's loads of room...my brain is tiny.
Hahaha yeah I think through our conversation over the past few months, I found some similarities in the way we view certain stuff. That is why I feel so connected to your posts! I may not be able to write them or express my thoughts as well as you did in your post, but whenever I read them, they just resonates with me 😅
I think so too, we've had some good chats.
To many more to come!

Pondering on your words and the question above, I have never and I think I will never say it to my self. I did not grow up in a wealthy family, my parents even struggled sometimes to out food on the tables but we are just blessed enough to be able to eat 3x a day. Now that I have my own family and I already earn for a living, I keep on working hard not only to provide but also to save for the future. Though there are times thta I feel lazy or demotivated for many reasons, I still wake up early in the morning dragging my butt to work and not waste a day without an income or an output whether it be on my work or in hive or other paying platforms.
For now, I am looking forward to tge time when I won't be struggling to find a budget on the things I need. I'd do it slow and steady and each day, I could say that today is better than yesterday.
I understand that there is financial struggle to contend with. This post is about saying that money isn't always the answer to happiness though, rich people can be just as stressed and miserable as poor ones.
The thing is though, life could be worse right? I mean, take me for instance...I could be handicapped and in a wheelchair, have terminal cancer or be starving to death living in the gutter...I'm none of those things (yet) and so I think my life is ok and something to value and appreciate.
I understand completely, we all do that to some degree I think. I hope also you take some time to think about the good things in your life, your health and family, those you love, the fact you wake up in the morning. I think that can be a nice little injection of positivity to help keep a person on track.
Life could be worse indeed. I appreciate how good. My life is now. That's what I meant when I meant to reply but my hands are not that fast type in all I wanted yo say and I forget about them.
Life is good and Im happy about it. I could be content with it but somehow, I still want to make my life even better. Not only for me but also to my family.
So many struggle with the complications of life, not just financial, and they all want their life to be better, as do you and I. It's important to be in the right mindset to make life better though, and that can come from being grateful for what we already have; it's good to hear you are.
Have a nice Sunday.
Well, I haven't said the statement out loud but thinking of how the past 2 months have been, I can say I am living the best kind of life because I haven't been sick which is the best kind of feeling.
And, you are right. I don't need a yatch to give me thar feeling. Despite the economic crisis and all, I am living my best life.
That sounded great and fulfilling.
I think a person needs to ask themselves daily. Why? well, because if the question is asked and the answer is no one then understands it and can make adjustments to thoughts, attitudes and actions to improve the situation. It's a self-evaluation.
I believe it is. Thanks for sharing this. That's another great way to evolve in life.
I'm getting so familiar with your write ups that even if it was read to me without prior information of the author I could guess right that it's you.
I remember writing on something similar about living my best life in one of your weekend-engagement topics in weekend experience community, I know I'm not yet leaving my best Life, but everyday I'm striving to get there, I also know what the limitations are and hopefully we'll scale through. Ideally we shouldn't measure ourselves and our life goals based on the values that other people set for themselves. so before I get into anything, knowing the amount of my life I'm about to commit to it, I make sure I'm the one wanting this and not someone else, and whatever the outcome, I try not to have a regret. That's me leaving my best life.
Regret isn't a very good companion so it makes a lot of sense to act in ways that minimise the risk of it occurring; in that, I think you're on the right track.
Your efforts and your hard time became fruit now.
There are only few people who accepts that they are living their best life. Even some people in their life follow the sequence or I should say the vicious circle to just run the life.
You are happy with it and you have those optimistic thoughts. It means you have that thing in your personality to accept and live.
Life comes up with both scenarios good times and bad times. My mind is clicking to Aristotle who said something related to downfall. Although I am unable to click to the exact words but it was something like *if the person is great (king) then downfall will be great and on the other hand if the person is not from low class then downfall will also be low.
Most importantly, it's a society where people just see and adore rich people. If the rich is falling from it's peak lifestyle then people will be also interested in discussing that scenario too.
I know I am taking this discussion to different realms but I don't know why my mind is working in that dimension.
At the end of the day a person needs to focus on themselves and their own growth, development and progression. People are too readily able to look at others and judge when they should be looking at themselves and determining how best to move their life forward.
I have said that phrase many times in recent times. There is always room for improvement but at this very moment I am living my best life.
Money is important, yes, but for me in particular it is more important to have peace and quiet, to know that I can go out in the street without fear. To breathe the fresh air. I like the simple life, I don't need great riches to be happy, because happiness is an internal state. It doesn't come from a thing or a person but from the heart.
I don't want a yacht either hahaha but I love boats and if I can go for a ride on one it would be great hahaha but to have one of my own... no.
Quiet and simple life and work on it.
Beautiful picture! I love it!
Thanks Galen.
It's good to hear that you've got a best-life situation going on right now, many could not say the same. I think, to some degree, it comes down to being content in the moments we have, thinking about what we have rather than what we don't have.
I took this picture from a spot in the gardens at the Rothschild Villa (Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild) situated at Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat which I enjoyed immensely - it's a beautiful spot.
The view is beautiful and relaxing, I love it.
And yes it is true that it is better to concentrate on the small and simple things that make us happy and not on the things we don't have, the small achievements and the good people around us.
Thank you Galen!
The older I get, the closer I come to living my best life. This has nothing to do with yachts, money, social standing, or good deeds done. It has to do with coming closer to being myself. To speaking my truths, not the truths of others. To loving even Japanese beetles. OK maybe I don't love japanese beetles.
I know many who measure their life-status (and personal value/worth) in this way but it's a false economy and one that doesn't always repay those who invest into it.
I enjoyed reading this! Coincidentally, I do feel like I am living one of the better times of my life (if not the best) lately. Over the past few years and even in the earlier half of the year, there were always stuff that I had to stress over, things that I had to fix, or even family members who fell ill and I had to juggle my work and take care at the same time, the list goes on. These days, everything seems to fall into place and stay in balance. Recently I was pondering what else I can do to make myself happier or have a better life - and it took me a while to realise that the actual fact that I am pondering over this question meant that life is already good.
Thanks mate, just a few thoughts I had in my noggin.
If one is able to push aside all the unimportant things (that can appear falsely as important) a person is better able reach for a best-life situation...although I don't think it's attainable as I'm a firm believer in continually improving myself. It all depends on what people see as a best-life scenario...I don't see it as a monetary thing or much to do with possessions, but others do and that's ok for them.
It seems you're in a good place and having that foundation to build on is a really nice thing. Well done.
Yup that's true! I am not into possessions too - and I think life's simpler that way. After all, they always say comparison is the thief of joy!
Oh I would like a pirate ship, a small one. I'd love to sail the Atlantic, at least once and off across the Pacific once I've passed through the Caribbean.
You are right our attitude towards life is what matters the most. Wealth means different things, to different folk. Xxx
Lol, I’ll be the Bosun, the fellow in charge of equipment and crew, we’ll ply our trade and have some good times along the way. #piratelife
Arrrh me hearty, we'll have adventures, a plenty. #itsapiratelifeforme
I say it to myself every morning when I wake up. Not because I am already on that yacht you mentioned. But because I'm living a lifestyle that I love.
I've optimized my life in such a way that I spend most of my time in productive pursuits- eat healthy, get fit, work, read and gain knowledge.
This has helped me get to a stage where I generate my own happiness if I just am. Don't need any external stimulation or materialistic stuff to make me happy.
Can I improve my life even further?
Heaven, yess.
And I'm working on it every single day.
Exactly, that’s what this post is about, I’m glad you get it! This post is not aboutnyachts and money, it’s about finding those things/attitudes that help one attain a best-life situation….money doesn’t necessarily make it so.
I’m glad you look for continual improvement, I do the same.
Thanks for responding.
What I like most about this post is that it makes us think about something very important, and it is not that we have not thought about it, it is simply that life happens with all its good and bad things, as life is, and one can get diluted in the day to day, without even thinking that to have a better life you need to work hard towards it. Draw purposes also, places -let's say- where we want to go, clearly, but also with common sense.
I can say that today I have a better life than I had yesterday, because I have achieved some important things for my emotional and physical stability. I have also learned a few things over the years that have given me strength, a resolute spirit, which I have always had, but I feel that today more. However, I can't tell you that I'm living the life I want to live. The one I dream. Perhaps something I have overlooked for the sake of achieving it. And every day is a thought that haunts me.
I don't want a yacht, I'm not interested. Even if I had all the money in the world, I wouldn't have it. Nor do I want a girl of those who reach me a bloody mary. They are not things that put stars in my eyes, they do not make them shine. But certainly... There are things in my country that do not allow me to move forward and I had never considered the option of leaving here. Even today, although this idea looms, I do not see myself making that decision.
Maybe it doesn't even have to do with this... Well, I don't know. Maybe I just have to change jobs.
Likewise, I feel that I am growing in many aspects of my life. I don't know, G. Every day this thought is a challenge that puts me in a search and also in a dilemma.
I congratulate you. That is what I would like to be able to say in a year or two.
I don't want a yacht either, but a best-life scenario is certainly something I strive to create.
people sometimes get far too distracted from their mission. What's their mission? Well, I don't know...but I think it should be a mission that seeks to bring one closer to one's best life...otherwise what's the point? it doesn't always work out of course but if a person actively seeks it, it's more likely to go better, more often.
All we can do is be present in the current moments and lean forward into the next, that is, work towards a better future whilst enjoying the present (which is the result of work we've previously done). It seems to me to be a solid path to walk in life.
I agree. It is the best thing to do.
Hello! I hope you are doing well.
When in one of the weekend engagement options you proposed to write about whether we are living our best life, I confess that I think about that very often and well I don't want to give details about it but I do want to thank you for that kind of reflections that in particular have moved me internally and instigate me to move externally as well.
Thank you for so much 🤗
Yep, all good here and no complaints, I hope the same for you.
I think it's nice to reflect on where one is and where one wants to be...in that way we're able to plot a path moving forward that might improve the situation.
It's been a long time, man, since I visited your posts.
We all want to be rich and when that happens, we want more. I don't believe in the saying that money doesn't bring happiness. It might bring some problems but imagine how happy you would be if you had a million dollars. It would make me very happy. I could buy the house I wanted, I could buy the car I wanted and I could start a business.
But I'm living a good life right now, maybe not the best life I could live because I've been a bit lazy in my past, but I definitely don't regret the life I'm living now.
I didn't say money doesn't buy happiness, I said:
There's a difference in the two statements. Money is required, there's is no doubt, it brings options too...but a best life scenario doesn't revolve around money, it's about the person and all the money in the world will not guarantee a best-life. I hope you get to find out someday.
I misunderstood, man. You're right, the best life depends on the person himself. Money diversifies it.
No worries, I thought you might have.
Hopefully I can live my best life but life isn't that easy, my life here in the Philippines is very hard. But I am thankful that my family is in good health that's matters most. Thank you for your reflection @galenkp, may you continue inspire other people.
I think being thankful for health, family and the good aspects of life is a really great place to start the best-life process from. Gratitude for what we have is more productive than thinking about the things we do not have.
Yeah, I believe that sir.Thank you for upvoting my blog.
Well, if I say there are moments when I live my best life. There are moments when I live the worst of my life. So, in my case it is a mixture. Sometimes I am living the best and sometimes the worst. I have lived my best life in the past, living it nowadays and will be living in the future but there was, is and will be inclusion of worst moments in that.
To me, my best life is when I am happy and enjoying each and every moment.
I have noticed that you always return to the negative aspects of your life. I think these need to be acknowledged if course, but it seems you wear them like a badge. Interesting.
Well, I don't do that intentionally.
But I Will be careful about it. No worries.
Defaulting to the negative means you're not thinking about the positive.
I don't think I've ever said that, or even considered it. I do consider myself blessed, even though I don't usually appreciate it. I have a roof over my head, I don't have to worry if I can eat for this month or year. I am not rich, and I consider myself a lower middle class. There are a lot of things I think can help improve my life, but I think having mental problems is the biggest issue.
Well, I think your best life (right now) is right now...there's no assurance of a future when it comes to human life...I guess that's why I like to be fully present in each moment. Others do it differently I guess.
Why most people never reach that point of saying" I am having the best of life now" is because when they are celebrating the best of their lives they are normally drunk.
Often, the severed cords of the wind of change speak more loudly than the silent voice of the desert flower; it is when the ocean of doubt and assurance feel safe within the cavern of deep quintessence where the rain falls upwards in a cleansing drought of nothingness.
Where do you find such a quote and what do you mean by it?
I write them myself, the meaning is open to interpretation.
....Interpretation according to the environment where one is.
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Totally solar. No vibration, noise, or need to go refuel anywhere. Elon's made maritine internet much easier - https://www.starlink.com/maritime - so as soon as he buys me the yacht, I'm all set :)
I reckon a small houseboat out of Mannum would do me fine right about now.