I enjoyed reading this! Coincidentally, I do feel like I am living one of the better times of my life (if not the best) lately. Over the past few years and even in the earlier half of the year, there were always stuff that I had to stress over, things that I had to fix, or even family members who fell ill and I had to juggle my work and take care at the same time, the list goes on. These days, everything seems to fall into place and stay in balance. Recently I was pondering what else I can do to make myself happier or have a better life - and it took me a while to realise that the actual fact that I am pondering over this question meant that life is already good.
Thanks mate, just a few thoughts I had in my noggin.
If one is able to push aside all the unimportant things (that can appear falsely as important) a person is better able reach for a best-life situation...although I don't think it's attainable as I'm a firm believer in continually improving myself. It all depends on what people see as a best-life scenario...I don't see it as a monetary thing or much to do with possessions, but others do and that's ok for them.
It seems you're in a good place and having that foundation to build on is a really nice thing. Well done.
Yup that's true! I am not into possessions too - and I think life's simpler that way. After all, they always say comparison is the thief of joy!