What is it about yachts and lambos XD
maybe I just don't have a clue because they're not even in the same universe as "my thing"
My best life would have been being able to work full time on this project and pull enough money that J could do everything that I had to do when the kids were little as he would have been much better at it. Sadly he was more economically viable to begin with and I wasted a lot of time having to learn stuff (which was a lot of the usual learning stuff and nonsense of trying and failing repeatedly until nutting it out) and couldn't spend that much time on it because I had more important things to consider so the best life never happened and never will.
I am however unreasonably stubborn so I just keep working at it no matter what
J keeps trying to convince me that we should just move onto a yacht and I keep shutting him down (or giving him the option to just go on his own but he doesn't want to do that so the poor guy is stuck with me in this landlocked house).
Life is pretty good other than that, at least we can do a fair bit of what we want (the kids are only just getting the context to realise that's actually pretty good, when they were younger all they saw was that it was thoroughly unfair that they couldn't have and do everything they wanted whenever they felt like it and other people could, without realising that they could do and had a lot).

No idea what's the go with yachts and Lamborghini's, I don't want either, but it seemed like a good way to make a point I guess, considering the photo also.
When I was a kid I always thought I was hard done by, but learned as I got older that that wasn't the case at all and that whilst there's wasn't a lot to go around, I had what I needed and that was good enough. Fortunately I carried that new paradigm forward into my adult life and have had a pretty good one because of it. I don't want to die tomorrow, but if I knew I was going to, I'd go out believing I've had a good life.