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RE: On my yacht or not

in Reflectionslast year

What I like most about this post is that it makes us think about something very important, and it is not that we have not thought about it, it is simply that life happens with all its good and bad things, as life is, and one can get diluted in the day to day, without even thinking that to have a better life you need to work hard towards it. Draw purposes also, places -let's say- where we want to go, clearly, but also with common sense.

I can say that today I have a better life than I had yesterday, because I have achieved some important things for my emotional and physical stability. I have also learned a few things over the years that have given me strength, a resolute spirit, which I have always had, but I feel that today more. However, I can't tell you that I'm living the life I want to live. The one I dream. Perhaps something I have overlooked for the sake of achieving it. And every day is a thought that haunts me.

I don't want a yacht, I'm not interested. Even if I had all the money in the world, I wouldn't have it. Nor do I want a girl of those who reach me a bloody mary. They are not things that put stars in my eyes, they do not make them shine. But certainly... There are things in my country that do not allow me to move forward and I had never considered the option of leaving here. Even today, although this idea looms, I do not see myself making that decision.

Maybe it doesn't even have to do with this... Well, I don't know. Maybe I just have to change jobs.

Likewise, I feel that I am growing in many aspects of my life. I don't know, G. Every day this thought is a challenge that puts me in a search and also in a dilemma.

I congratulate you. That is what I would like to be able to say in a year or two.


I don't want a yacht either, but a best-life scenario is certainly something I strive to create.

people sometimes get far too distracted from their mission. What's their mission? Well, I don't know...but I think it should be a mission that seeks to bring one closer to one's best life...otherwise what's the point? it doesn't always work out of course but if a person actively seeks it, it's more likely to go better, more often.

All we can do is be present in the current moments and lean forward into the next, that is, work towards a better future whilst enjoying the present (which is the result of work we've previously done). It seems to me to be a solid path to walk in life.

I agree. It is the best thing to do.