In my case that plan came about eleven years ago... before that the influence of my mother and maternal grandmother were very strong in me, and I felt that I could not be myself.
But in 2012 I started with techniques of self-knowledge and deprogramming of erroneous beliefs, I worked very hard on myself, improving many aspects, healing others and forming a plan for my life.... years later, 7 years ago I took the decision that changed my life forever and for good and every day I am the designer of my life.
That makes me very happy, today I am the integral woman that I want to be and that I didn't realise before. I felt like I was in a box and I couldn't get out. Today I am free and creating every step that I am.
Thank you Galen always, you are a great source of inspiration!
What led you to making the change about eleven years ago? Was there a particular event or do you feel it was just natural progression?
The search for truth, personal searches made something come to me... that clicked in my life, I started with graphology and then what is called biodesprogramming, it changed my life forever. Someone sent me a link about it and I resonated with it, from then on I never stopped learning, always constantly.
Truth; that seems like a good reason to me.
It was not something natural, it was something I looked for, because I knew there was more, by action and reaction I found the answers.