I find the power of human belief incredible; we have the ability to think and do amazing things and the ability to believe in ourselves is one of the reasons so many people achieve great things. Of course, belief is a double-edged sword as it has the power to destroy just as it has the power to create - believing negative things about oneself can help bring them into being, or exacerbate them.
Experiences are one of the ways in which a human learns, develops and changes; we can take an experience, good or bad, and bring meaning to it which empowers, gives one the ability to affect great change, lift us to greater efforts, bring life-changing understanding and incredible results - it can help us design and place the the building blocks of life to become a foundation on which to build upon into the future. Those experiences can help us become the architect of our own amazing lives.
Those experiences can also disempower, strip bare, disarm and destroy a person and often does.
In our modern society there's many distractions and I believe it can cause people to focus outwardly rather than inwardly and that can lead them to believe they're living life well...but are they creating it?
This is just my opinion of course, but I feel people should be a little more focused on creating their ideal life, being the architect of it, not taking someone else's and making it fit or putting it together like a Lego set. Society is filled with examples of conformity and the re-creation of what came before, just slightly differently, but the truly enlightened are creating their lives their own way, just like Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi did with his designs. He believed in what he did, imagined it, wanted it and created it. Legit right?
Our lives can be relatively short - just how short is unknown - and it seems logical to me that a person would want to live their best life and one they created themselves, rather than one designed by someone else and made to fit. Yes, we need to conform in certain areas, but allowing the lack of belief in oneself to inhibit rather than empower one to create one's own unique life seems quite wasteful and illogical to me.
Have you got a plan as far as designing your life your own way? Did you developed that plan early or did it come later with age as so often happens. Do you believe you deserve an amazing life - I know some simply do not - and if so why and what do you do to design and create it. Do you apply ownership and how has that impacted on your thoughts and attitudes towards your own life or do you prefer to be a passenger? Feel free to comment below if you'd like to.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own
I do believe I needed to read this tonight. Have you ever done a time capsule sort of thing, or just kept an old journal from your teenaged years? I have been cleaning out a great deal of things, and I found my time capsule aimed for opening on 2020. That seemed soooo far off at the time...and I managed to surpass it before opening. Ha. Anyway, there was a bunch of stuff in there, but one of them was a list of goals. I met two of them. Yay! But not the other two, and I'm actually undecided whether I still want to. I think it is great to look back at the sensations you had in your head then about how you were going to be. I'm not quite that woman I intended, but I could be much farther off...and what would I have to work on if I was?
Hope you are doing well. Knowing you, I'm sure you are.
Hey Gin, I hope you're well.
I've done a time capsule as a kid but forgot the spot where it was buried. I don't journal much, although I have a quote book I've had for over 25 years in which I've written quotes that had meaning at particular times and after certain events. With each are notes on when and where, how I felt and all, and I've dated them all. It reads like a time-line of my life's events and thoughts over that period so I guess that counts.
It's cool that you hit those goals and I like how you've looked at the other two and question whether they're relevant still' goals need to be fluid and it's important to know when to change them, refocus or pivot.
I'm glad you liked this post, or at least stumbled upon it at the right time, and thanks for commenting.
Yes, I'm well (reasonably well) I guess. Getting things done and leaning forward into the last part of the year as I know you are.
Oh, that is funny. I wonder if someone will ever find that time capsule, and what they will think of it. Maybe in fifty years, when it will really be nice and crusty. Interesting about the quotes - I suppose you can see values or maturity in which quotes were more appealing at a particular time.
I know where it is, but not exactly where it is. Some attempt was made to dig it up, about fife or so years after putting it there, but after about ten holes dug I gave up. Someone may find it eventually, and I think the stuff I put in there might cause some head scratching. Lol.
I do hope you didn't refill those 10 holes. Someone would be very curious to know what animal managed all that.
Haha, I did not...although my mum ended up seeing them (I was raised on a large rural property so it took some time) and I was
forcedasked to fill them in. So, there's me filling in holes but after about three I decided to dig some more for one final search for that bloody time capsule. I did not find it...and had more holes to fill.Ha! Should have buried near an area likely to have...crap, what digs burrows in your country? Here I'd blame it on an armadillo :)
Good morning Galen; The issue you raise was not clear to me until a few years ago. When I was young I confused being the architect of my life with leading a life very different from the one my parents led. Then I corrected myself and tried to lead the same life as others and finally, now very old, I think I have found my way. Which is not to take others as a measure of what I want to be, neither negatively nor positively. Now I have a clear goal and I go for it and in many ways my life is similar to that of many people, but not by inertia but by choice. Best regards
We all take influence in life and it can be a strong motivator and guide provided the influence is/was correct for our own unique life.
Unfortunately people these days take influence from people that may not be valid, let's say social media influencers, and simply apply them to their own lives which may then cause issues as those influences may be misaligned with their particular life.
I think it's better to evaluate influences and how they may fit so one can discard those that are not valid or relevant. It also helps to have a goal in mind, as you did/have.
Thanks for your comment and thoughts, as always it's nice to have them on my posts.
I think your answer sums up very well my thoughts at this moment in my life and I am grateful that in my moments of confusion there were no social networks. Best regards
I'm glad you appreciated my comment, I guess one never knows how a comment will be received.
Anyway, I'm in the cinema, about to watch the new Napoleon movie, and it's almost started. I hope you have a nice day. 😉
I hope you enjoyed the movie. Have a great week
It was quite good, thanks
I think describing people as architects of their own lives is nice. It would be great if everyone has infinite funds and a large amount of 'land' they can work on. For those living paycheck to paycheck, it is like getting a few pieces of blocks for building. They have to focus on making use of what they have immediately and can't plan anything. Since not everyone has the same amount of resources, we should try to make the best of what we have, while trying to strive for something better.
I understand your point, and agree although one thing that is common to people with and without resources (financial for instance) is the power of choice and in choosing things that help create life in the ways a person wishes it to be, or to move it that way, is what I'm getting at in this post. Choosing the right paths.
The choice may be as simple as choosing, or working towards, the right attitude which can have huge benefits in a person's life.
Thanks for your insight, they are always interesting.
I like these thought provoking posts, so thanks for providing them. I would agree that everyone has the power of choice, but I think up to a point. Something that comes to mind and is very prevalent in the Philippines are young poor people getting pregnant and having children. Yes it is their choice to have unprotected sex [condoms and contraceptives cost money]. Yes it is their choice to have the child [abortion is still taboo in the Catholic Philippines]. But being young, impoverished, and lacking proper education, these happen a lot.
From this point, they barely have any choice left. The girl will stop going to school to take care of the child. Eventually the guy will find a minimum wage job, the girl will do odd jobs like washing laundry for others or working as a household helper. They will barely have any savings and have 4 children. Then the cycle continues.
For those that don't get pregnant early, they tend to work while still helping their parents and siblings. The oldest usually end up supporting everyone and help pay for the other's education. To be fair, these are the ones that end up with some choices down the road if they're lucky.
Choosing the right path is important and special. But sometimes, even that basic commodity is not available to others. Unless of course they go the 'selfish' route and leave everything behind and start new and focus on themselves.
There's always choice, always. That doesn't mean that any of the choices are good ones, sometimes they are all bad, but a human still has a choice, even if that choice is less than optimal. Anyway, this post, or any of the others I write like this, are designed to cover every situation, just to get people thinking. The choice I refer to here is more about a choice of attitude, even a young women with four kids has the ability to choose their attitude right?
You might like to read a book called , Man's search for meaning, by Viktor Frankl, you may find it interesting. In he talks about choice and considering he was a Jew interred in a Nazi death camp in World War Two, I'd say he knows something about making choices that may not be good ones.
I was talking more about their choices on what they can do with their life. But if you meant attitudes, then yeah, I agree. There is always a choice there. A lot of the less fortunate people in the Philippines tend to have a much happier disposition/attitude. Life might be difficult, but they are closer as a family, and are able to celebrate the little things.
After watching Schindler's list, I tend to avoid consuming any more information about the atrocities that happened to the Jews under the Nazis. I have read/watched some documentaries about how people that are tortured/mistreated are somehow able to adapt to their predicament. Some have an out of body experience, some were able to mute their emotions and pain, etc.
Yeah I get you, one can only watch so much of the same thing and that event has been observed from every angle for decades.
Weedy, seedy Needy V. Such a greasy cunt.
Nobody does needy quite like Needy-V!
In my case that plan came about eleven years ago... before that the influence of my mother and maternal grandmother were very strong in me, and I felt that I could not be myself.
But in 2012 I started with techniques of self-knowledge and deprogramming of erroneous beliefs, I worked very hard on myself, improving many aspects, healing others and forming a plan for my life.... years later, 7 years ago I took the decision that changed my life forever and for good and every day I am the designer of my life.
That makes me very happy, today I am the integral woman that I want to be and that I didn't realise before. I felt like I was in a box and I couldn't get out. Today I am free and creating every step that I am.
Thank you Galen always, you are a great source of inspiration!
What led you to making the change about eleven years ago? Was there a particular event or do you feel it was just natural progression?
The search for truth, personal searches made something come to me... that clicked in my life, I started with graphology and then what is called biodesprogramming, it changed my life forever. Someone sent me a link about it and I resonated with it, from then on I never stopped learning, always constantly.
Truth; that seems like a good reason to me.
It was not something natural, it was something I looked for, because I knew there was more, by action and reaction I found the answers.
I read and re-read your post to understand it better. And in the end I drew my own conclusions. And yes, there are those who believe they are superior because of beliefs or conviction and in the end they fail.
I in particular build my bases in my family on how to improve it, and thus be satisfied with my present and future life. And I create values in it and by creating them I make them better.
Your reflection is very profound. And we must thank you. Thank you.
From a personal perspective, I believe it important for a person to find their own path, to be their own person and build their own life on the shape they wish it to be...all at the same time as applying thought, care, kindness and generosity to those who deserve it.
Thanks for your comment, I'm pleased my post resonated with you.
No thanks to you. You have taught me a lot in your reflections and I am glad not to disappoint you.
Beautiful reflection. It takes a certain amount of focus to look inwardly and be enlighted. Often times, we are distracted by factors surrounding us. During pandemic where i was mostly at home and didnt interact much with others, i thought i already know what i truly wanted in life. But now that we are past pandemic and barriers are open again, which means we get to inteact with people again, my vision seem to blur again. So im still trying to figure out what it is that i truly want. Maybe i should find my focus again. And oh, that lack of belief can really hinder us from becoming the greatest version of ourselves.
I am not here to advise you on what to do, that's your job, but I like how you understand yourself and see areas for improvement. I think that's the problem for many people, they choose not to see where that can improve and therefore don't improve.
Thanks for sharing some of your personal journey.
Hmm I do plan my life, especially my finances, where I have targets mapped out all the way to my old age, so that I know when I have enough to retire, and how much to spend annually, etc. That said, I think I overplan too much, as there will always be curveballs in life and our mindsets will evolve as we grow older and wiser (hopefully!). So I have started to take things a little easier and going less hard on myself now.
Planning ones life is a way to ensure it's lived to ones best advantage so well done there. I think we could possibly be a little too stringent or structured for sure, but that's sometimes required. I guess one needs to understand where to apply structure and when it's ok to be a little less rigid.
A very motivating article regarding the current global conditions, many people complain about the current situation, but they do not realize that the situation that is happening to them now is the result of the seeds they planted.
Many people are pessimistic about what they are doing and are unsure about their efforts, even though as you said, belief is a double-edged sword that has the power to create what we hope for.
Once again I really like your writing and the quote that I think will motivate many people out there "Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp"
Belief is an incredible power and can bring amazing results if the belief is positive and righteous. Unfortunately people also believe they are unworthy or incapable of being better, having better lives, and that inhibits them as you say.
Writing posts like this...I guess the underlying message is that each of us should self-reflect, find ways to understand ourselves better, the outcomes we want and how to achieve them, and in that way we're more likely to have a better life.
Thanks for your comment and kind words.
Thank you again, I am more confident than what I have gone through now. because effort will not disappoint the results.
I hope to find posts that can invite or motivate others on this hive platform, because I'm just starting out and think that if I don't know someone here then I won't generate positive votes.
But after I went through it, all of that was just the talk of people who didn't have high enough confidence to be successful here.
The Reflections community, where this post was posted, often has thoughtful and insightful posts and could be a good place for you to behind searching for the posts you may like.
You'll start to make more valuable connections the more you engage with personality and relevance, as you have with me. Keep it up and good work.
Many times we lose our life pending on the dream of others, we must start by believing in ourselves, work for our own dreams otherwise we will be living in the dream of another person, but there is a small detail, envy the comparison is what makes us live the life of another person as you say, we must focus on
If this worked like that it would be great to put together your own destiny your own way.
What works for one won't always work for others which is why it's important to follow ones own path, design life according to the individuals' needs; that's the way towards a better life.
Thanks for commenting.
This one is perfectly beaded. I have seen, people always try to replicate other lifestyle and in process mess around with their own life.....it is importsnt to take a leaf out of others and try to make it far better.
Sometime life is unpredictable, and it brings many surprises, that a person is not prepared for. My tussle is still going on..and frankly no plans seems to work out...and I forget to make any plan.....
Have you followed someone else's path and found out that it didn't work? Have you designed your own? In either case how did it work out?
it was a demanding situation ,, and I paved my way towards it....but i am sure, it is too early to say anything.....something will click soon...hopefully.
I'm sure it'll all move in the right direction, you know how to get things moving forward. Good luck.
An architect of our lives. That's the perfect way to live life. Our world is filled with recreation, I see it everywhere, and yes, this;
I am the architect of my life, and that's how it has been and still is. I won't conform to societal belief that doesn't match mine, and this is because people will be people. So why live life for them when I should live it for me.
It's great to read that you take control of your own life and work towards a better one. only you know what you want and it's up to you to go after it...which is what you're doing. Nice work.
Yes, that's it. Thank you 😊.
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Yeah bro that totally true
Comments like this always lead me to believe the commenter has not read the post and that they're made simply to gain a possible upvote (which you shall not receive from me). It is valueless, doesn't make we want to engage with you and doesn't add to the conversation in any way - It simply exposes you as one who doesn't read posts and comments without validity.
My suggestion is that you read posts you're commenting to and make valid and relevant comments, and not just paraphrasing the actual post either. Of course, you do not have to do that, it's your choice.
If you persist with comments like this please put them on someone else's posts not mine.
Yeah bro that totally true! 😃
It's frustrating, but it also gives me an understanding of who the commenter is and their motives, so they can be avoided in the future.
I don't really know who you had experience with or so far a not after here for your upvote I saw your post like it and enjoy it cause have been in imaginary image of mine also that why I replied with a short word that totally true
Hello bro I simply went through the post and if you saying I should defend what I read I could cause have also found myself creating a imaginary world of mine so I never send you to upvote me whether you.like it or not be it on your own will and stop being rude cause it shaming me