I know where it is, but not exactly where it is. Some attempt was made to dig it up, about fife or so years after putting it there, but after about ten holes dug I gave up. Someone may find it eventually, and I think the stuff I put in there might cause some head scratching. Lol.
I do hope you didn't refill those 10 holes. Someone would be very curious to know what animal managed all that.
Haha, I did not...although my mum ended up seeing them (I was raised on a large rural property so it took some time) and I was
forcedasked to fill them in. So, there's me filling in holes but after about three I decided to dig some more for one final search for that bloody time capsule. I did not find it...and had more holes to fill.Ha! Should have buried near an area likely to have...crap, what digs burrows in your country? Here I'd blame it on an armadillo :)
I know...I wasn't thinking straight, too excited about some future generations finding my time capsule.
Aw a wombat. Such a cute little snuggly muffin. So much more snuggly than an armadillo :)
Yeah, they're good for snuggling. As it turns out, most Australian mothers put their little babies into wombat burrows in the winter time to help keep them warm. True story.
Hahaha! Oh I love that Australian children have this experience. No doubt it made you the wonderful person that you are.