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RE: Shit weasel

in Reflections11 months ago

Who hasn't come across one or more shit weasels, I think everyone has. The comparison is excellent! All they do is ruin your day!

When I was teaching, I had a shitty weasel student ... one day she stressed me out so much that I had to leave the classroom to get some air because I thought I was going to throw her out, but I got some air ... a lot, calmed down and went back to the place, hoping to finish the hour soon.

When I was working as a commercial, I ran into a lot of fucking weasels, fuck! They make the day black, I tried to be as diplomatic as possible, finish quickly and leave, otherwise they would fuck up my day!


Shit weasels are all over the place, as common as fact, they are assholes. Lol.

The bad thing about those weasels... it multiplies...🤣