Some say they're elusive and somewhat rare but I disagree because one can find a shit weasel pretty much anywhere these days. They're not born that way, a shit weasel doesn't have to be a shit weasel, it's a choice they make for one reason or another and it seems more and more are making the choice to embrace the shit weasel life. #shitweasellife
Last week I ran into a shit weasel in the course of performing my job function, quite possibly the king of shit weasels in fact.
I can't go into the details as it's confidential but essentially my company provides services to the shit weasels' company and I was there to determine how best to facilitate the changes at the shit weasels company - my company would need to be flexible to accommodate it...which we were prepared to do. It was actually a simple matter, or should have been, but it turned into a massive fucking fucken fucked up fucken cluster fuck... because of the shit weasel I mention above.
I'm not quite sure when people became so entitled, self-absorbed, rude, needlessly aggressive, intolerant and generally fucked and I don't know why. Sure, we all have our moments but it seems those moments are all joined together these days (with some people) and those behaviours have become the standard operating procedure. I wonder how those people get through life to be honest; re they like that with their partners, children, friends (if they have any), work colleagues and in general social situations life requires? It boggles the mind to think a person behaves in such a way all the time.
Unfortunately we have little choice but to deal with such individuals, especially in a work situation, and I did my best not to fucken kill him to do so in the case above but it left me feeling quite annoyed and feeling like I don't get paid enough to have to deal with such people. (I actually do though.)
I don't know what (possible) extenuating circumstances that fellow shit weasel above has that may cause such behaviour or if he is that way all the time but I could see he made others (his colleagues) who were involved in the process uncomfortable, that they were embarrassed by him and that he made the entire process completely awkward and difficult...His behaviour also caused me to charge a lot more for my company's services than I usually would have because dealing with this shit weasel isn't going to be easy moving forward.
He didn't get his way, he didn't win any respect, he didn't even negotiate better all-round loss for the shit weasel and his company and all because he acted like a shit weasel when he didn't have any cause to and there was a better way to proceed.
Have you ever come across such a person, someone who behaves badly or in an unbecoming manner, which has effected you, the process or outcome, or has simply caused you to walk away? This happens in relationships just as often as in general society. I think most people have had an experience or two. I don't know why, but society seems to be a shit weasel factory these days when it doesn't have to be that way at all, it's sad really. If you have a shit weasel story you would like to share, or even if you are a shit weasel yourself and have a comment, please do so below if you are so inclined.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own
That looks like a meerkat? XD
I think most of them most of the time think they're being assertive and setting boundaries.
And if the colleagues genuinely felt that way in the interactions it's entirely possible he won't be in that job for too much longer even if he is absolute childhood besties with the ceo of that company (if not outright fired they'd move him somewhere else).
Have dealt with a client like that before, he was actually more horrible to sibling dearest than he was to me (probably because I kept stonewalling him hard, sometimes just because my brain would glitch out in the moment and I would either not notice til a few seconds later and only from sibling dearest's expression, or not at all til we talked about it later, sometimes intentionally). And the above was pretty much what happened.
Yep well-spotted, it is a meerkat courtesy of the Adelaide Zoo. I wanted to put a photo of a shit weasel on this post but there wasn't one close to hand to photograph.
People are just people and there's good and bad and bad that are sometimes good and good that are sometimes bad...Always people though. We just have to deal with others as best we can, treat them commensurate to how they act or what they deserve and, of course, our own needs as well.
Hahaa...I am not a shit weasel myself, but one lives across the street from me. He is a bonafide shit weasel and the whole neighborhood knows it. I choose to ignore his shit weasely ways, though sometimes it is difficult, as you almost said, not to fucken kill him.
Shit weasels and their shit weasely ways have a propensity to permeate one's senses irrespective of how hard we try to avoid it and in that case it's often required to
killfind avoidance techniques or some other method of shit weasel mitigation. Ignoring the shit weasel and shit weasuly ways is one such technique and it can be effective.Another Ditto...
The SW across the street from us has been in rehab. So we have had a pleasant break from the stupidity and steady stream of riff raff traffic.
Spitting facts right there (and all throughout the story)!
I don't have an answer as to why shit weasels are the way they are but I have plenty of stories. The most recent one being with the VP of a company I used to work at. That person was one of the reasons I quit - mostly because of the lack of respect and understanding. I feel like some people need to bring others down to make themselves feel big. And it sucks for the majority of the people around them (because I'm pretty sure shit weasels have some shit weasel friends 🤔).
Anyway, sorry you had to go through this experience. The reaction of their colleagues speaks volumes of the kind of human you were dealing with. The best thing you can do is not to let that person's negativity affect you or your day (which is also the most difficult one - speaking from personal experience lol). Then again, I'm super petty when it comes to a**holes which is why I won't share my other advice on here 😁
P.S. So I'm not proud to say it took me the start of your work story to realize you weren't talking about meerkats 😅 I was starting to wonder why they were called shit weasels around there 🤣
I think some people get a feeling of validation through their poor treatment of others, a momentary feeling of having the upper hand, of power. But it all fades away quite quickly and they're left the same disgusting shit weasel they always are...Behaviour like this becomes a cycle, they do it more and more to preserve their feelings of power and so they turn into a true, pure shit weasel.
Meerkats are awesome, shit weasels are not. Lol.
Oh, I 100% agree. Some of it is fuelled by that hunger for power, some of it is also just people deciding to ruin someone else's day for fun. Go figure why 🤷🏻♀️
Have a great, shit weasel-free day & week! 😁
Have a good day yourself...and a good end of the week also I hope.
Thank you so much! I'm heading to Lisbon next week so next few days I'll be frantically trying to pack last minute haha So I'd say it will be an exciting one 😁
Have a nice time in Lisbon.
I'm sorry you had to endure that and put on a smile and be cordial through it all. It can be very tough.
I've run into a few here and there. I work in the utility industry, dealing with individuals, builders, dealers, etc. Most people are understanding and at least cordial. I try my best to do everything within my power to accommodate within reason. I do it because I enjoy helping and most people aren't shit weasels, but are just going through a rough patch and I happened to be the next "bump in the road."
When I do run into the infrequent shit weasel, it's truly a comedy you want popcorn for while you watch. When they've reached the point that I'm no longer willing to help them, I have policy, procedure, and the Public Utility Commission rules right behind me. They will literally push me into a corner, and then I'll just step aside and let them literally beat their head against the wall that is government bureaucracy.
I'm actually proud to say that I can count the times that has happened on one hand. I agree that the current "Me first" culture and mentality that is being fostered is churning out more entitled people. While I hope they don't turn into shit weasels, only time will tell.
One can have some fun with shit weasels, play their little games, or make out that one is playing, manipulate them and all and that can make the entire situation a little easier to deal with. Some are just total dick heads.
It's good to have some policy and procedure in place and available for when things go a little too far and it's amusing to watch these idiots beat their heads on the immovable wall of legislation, regulation and policy.
Yes but not recently. He was the team leader for what I do and I remember him being stripped down publicly in a meeting of 30 people. I was trying to stifle my shock, both at his lack of professionalism and the blatancy of hatchet man!
They're everywhere, and sometimes in the most surprising places and the most unlikely of people. At work I think a certain amount of getting along needs to be applied and even if a person has a propensity for shit weaselyness some effort needs to be made to tow the line...alas, that doesn't always happen.
I haven't come across one in some time now, the place I am working now seems great as far as the people are concerned. It makes a difference.
Hahaha.... Your way with words is simply incredible! Yes shit weasel everywhere because the World is churning them out in their numbers or rather the families. I say so because the smallest unit of the society has failed woefully, "charity begins at home" has become, "garbage begins at home" and these products go on to become shit weasels everywhere.
I've met a lot of them along the way, the most recent one being the shit weasel wife of my Landlord. This shit weasel gave me a quit notice because I didn't allow her into the compound when she wanted to. The deal was "always call to let me know, never intrude into my privacy". And of course " Mrs high and mighty shit weasel" didn't follow protocol, she felt insulted.
I agree with you completely, there's so many influences externally that the concept, and influence, of the family unit seems to get lost or seems to have less relevance. Quite sad really.
Keep an eye out for shit weasels, they must be avoided.
Too sad! You meet a dozen people, you meet a dozen shit weasels 😄
This is sometimes the case for makes me value to good people more.
I've encountered a lot of these in the corporate world. I hate how a lot of them are able to climb their way up the corporate ladder. Maybe it's because while they have a horrible personality towards others, they are very good at kissing their boss's ass.
There's shit weasels at all levels of business, and reight across society in general's a condition that's becoming much more prevalent I think.
It is common to meet undesirable people, although at some point I have thought of hanging more than one, I close my eyes and breathe. The worst thing is that this type of people is that they think they are better than everyone and usually take merits from others and talk behind other people's backs.
Yep I agree, they often think they are better than others, it's incredible how powerful self-delusion can be right?
The human being has a great problem of distortion of reality, we see things where they do not exist. Maybe that is why some people have an ego. In the cloud is why we often know the concept of humility, but we do not practice it, we are not designed to support so much truth. I think that is why we are inclined to tell so many lies.
You say it well and I agree completely; there's nothing to add other than thanks for your input.
Well I just commented on @cmplxty 's post dealing with shitweasel type people and just said that there are too many to list.

It's easier to list those who are not shit weasels these days.
Has our fair share of them that’s for sure! Saw a few get the axe and others remained.
I love this.
The funniest thing of all, is that generally these types of people never admit what they are, and project their true being onto others.
I work with many of them, and I have been accused of being the real shit weasel, so much so that I have doubted myself and have come to consider that I am in fact a shit weasel. But every day more and more information comes out that exposes them for what they are, and I breathe and say, haha it's not me!
I can relate, we will become experts in breathing techniques 😂😂😂
I agree, they are sneaky little weasels Nd often try to shift the blame and liability to others; in the end their behaviour exposes them and confirms their shit weaselyness though.
Who hasn't come across one or more shit weasels, I think everyone has. The comparison is excellent! All they do is ruin your day!
When I was teaching, I had a shitty weasel student ... one day she stressed me out so much that I had to leave the classroom to get some air because I thought I was going to throw her out, but I got some air ... a lot, calmed down and went back to the place, hoping to finish the hour soon.
When I was working as a commercial, I ran into a lot of fucking weasels, fuck! They make the day black, I tried to be as diplomatic as possible, finish quickly and leave, otherwise they would fuck up my day!
Shit weasels are all over the place, as common as fact, they are assholes. Lol.
The bad thing about those weasels... it multiplies...🤣
Hmmm I feel that it happens the most often at the workplace. Some places/people are just outright toxic and to be honest, I don't have a good way of dealing with them.
Yes, I agree workplaces can be terrible, maybe because it's a bunch of people all thrown together that would not normally congregate together.
There are shitty weasels in every company.
There is always at least one such person, and even when his business responsibilities are such that he decides, it is a crappy situation.
I was a witness when one such colleague got into a verbal conflict with our colleague. And then he showed that he is a real shitty, egotistical, jealous weasel. Female colleagues are an even more vulnerable category when they are the target of such shitty weazels, while we, the male part of the collective, deal with them more easily...
The work place brings a whole lot of people who may not normally get along into one place where they have to get along and, of course, it doesn't always work out well. The presence of shit weasels doesn't help matters.
I was really worried, you'd met the king of all weasels. I can't imagine how you mingle with this kind of people, dishonest, liars, sneaky. If me on that situation, no way, I'd rather both walk-out and leave away from this event.
But anyway, nice shot boss, a beautiful meercat. This animal is one of my inspiration in sketching my design in our company, combination of a polished seashell and a casted brass metal, like this one.
Meerkats are cool, shit weasels are not.
Great sketch mate.
Yes exactly boss meercats fight for its territory, but shit weasels they are bullshit. Thank you boss and happy wekend!
Yeah, I have met a few people like that. Occasionally I am probably that person. It's hard though because people didn't always take into account factors they should.
One must take into considerations all angles of course, but when that's been done and a shit weasel is still a shit weasel well, #shitweasellife
Hi Galen, one situation come to mind. I have a rented apartment and I remember very well a stormy relationship with a couple to whom I rented the apartment. I won't go into details, but on a weekly basis I received some very demanding calls about issues that were not my responsibility as landlord. When the lease ended I did not renew it and they went elsewhere. It is the case that the rental price of my apartment has always been, and is, below the market price. So I am sure that the lack of education and limits of this couple paid for it with a more expensive rent elsewhere.
Best regards
Some tenants will work really hard to find things to get from the landlord even though they may not be entitled to them...I blame entitlement.
I think I understand you, and I think I agree. Have a nice end of the weekend
Man... it really sucks when you have to work with people who have such crap attitudes.
I have one client that is a massive company and they act like it, they act like the 50+ companies that work for them must worship them or something... when the work needs to get done.
And then when they need to PAY, the stall or don't approve all the expenses that you are claiming for and frankly it makes me sick. You can't pretend to be a king and then pay like a pauper.
Hah, yep they are all bluster until it comes time for them to pay up and then they go silent. #shitweasellife
Indeed. I have to wonder what led them to have this sort of attitude in life?!
I'm going to chuckle all day now thinking ' shit weasel' when I see them throughout my day. chortle, I'm stealing it.
You'll be laughing all day!
When you have to deal with that kind of arrogant weasel type people, the best thing to do if it is your boss, go with the flow or leave the job and look for another where you have peace of mind to work and not have a toxic environment that damages your positive energy, greetings friend.
There's some good advice indeed.
I like how you relate the shit weasel to reality.😁 @galenkp
Shit weasels are real, and it's important to acknowledge it...and avoid them where possible.
Thank you for the information. Hoping I can see one also. 😊 I lived in the Philippines where Shit weasel is not local here. 😊 @galenkp
I don't even have any story of a shit weasel I can share, or maybe I don't look deeply inward.
But I have met people who proves to be difficult and hard to work or walk with. From some of them I have learned a few lessons and yet from others, I just abandoned.
We can often learn lessons from those who act poorly, learning what not to do is still a lesson.
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