It is very sad what you are saying, that a son does not attend his father's funeral... whatever culture it is. What do the young people of today think about, what happened to traditions? It's as if their minds have been taken over by something, I don't know.
What I do know is that they are losing basic things like human contact, emotions, feelings... life itself...
Thank you @steemflow ✨
The only thing important is not to forget the "roots" that what taught to me. Roots is importanfor sustainability. I have seen people shifting to city and forgets about their families and relatives and they try to adapt among the unknown world
One comes from one's roots and it is important to always remember them, whatever the origin or country. That is what we bring from birth. Hug!
Bit slowly what people are missing...
It is true... it is up to us not to lose what we have been bequeathed.