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RE: Better spent

in Reflections6 months ago

Taking a hundred selfies and posting them on Hive, and taking a hundred selfies and posting them on any other social media is the same thing; this post isn't about social media per se, it's about how young women feel the need to validate themselves with their looks, seek that validation externally from strangers rather then seeking it from within themselves, and seek relevance through creating "lives", representing their lives, in particular ways that are probably not at all accurate just like the people I mention in this post. It's sad that a woman feels the need to seek such validation from external sources; the vehicle to do so is social media and it perpetuates the problem.

Becca 🌷


Yes actually you are correct. Seeking external validation has always been there. Social media has actually amplified it. I've used social media for a short duration and even after getting likes and comments it makes you feel like shit because social media can never validate us truly as we know what we are.
When we receive validation it contradicts with the fake image we have put forward.