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RE: Just Photos

in Reflections2 months ago

AHh house renovations.

yeah sometimes you just don't know how things actually happen. Just super unlucky. although at the same time... very lucky. yikes.

Its funny you mention the making mental images in your head, i was watching a documentary the other day about how different people actually think. So some people think "out loud in their head in words" and some some people see an action. So some visualize the kettle boiling. (but no words in their head) and others say in their brain "" Or when trying to recall someones name you hear their voice in your head in detail, and see their face, but can't remember the word.

So as you say it affects people so differently as even if the same area is damaged the effects will be different as your brain created its own pathway to understanding by thinking in a different way.

hopefully as its only been a couple of years your brain still continues to make new connections.
They say healing can take 10 years.

My mum can't read anymore at all. Her words started all wrong, (so she would say, banna, ribbit, got to go poooma" and think she was saying "look at the flowers".) her speech is back, but she can't read words as she can see the letters but can't translate them into a word in her head.

my hand, a tiny non dramatic incident. I tripped putting away washing and my thumb double dislocated (we think) around a doorframe and damaged the nerve that moves the thumb. so anything with scissors, or pinch grip strength (think syringes and buttons at work) is really hard.

Happily i can actually paint as the pressure needed to hold a brush is not great. (but struggle with opening the tubes).

as for covid ICU... Jest all you like, by all means. as no one believes the reality lol.