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RE: Does quality matter?

in Reflections6 months ago

I've often thought about the fact that I don't typically read other comments on a post that I comment on. I will read the post and if you comment back I read that, but for the most part I don't go and read other people's comments. I think some of that has to do with the personal nature of a lot of comments. Although it is public, it's still a discussion between the reader and you. How dare I interject into that... That's just my thinking anyway.


I do, especially if thigns are a bit quiet on HIVe and there's more happening in comment sections. And that way I get to interact with people who I wouldn't ordinarily, coz they either don't post much, don't post what I am interested in, or don't call past my blog. I find it really interesting. I used to think that too - that it was kinda rude to interject - but I don't think that applies here on HIVE really. It's just all one big awesome conversation with all kinds of people, whereever you are. PS I hope you dont think I'm rude for interjecting, haahha!

Nah, you are good. I get your points, but it's probably going to take a while for me to be comfortable doing something like that.

You've been around for ages though - and you're a good talker! I love seeing your comments, and I'm sure other people do too, wherever you are x

Yeah, I get that sense too and perhaps it depends on the type of post, but I reckon a lot of value comes from that interjection on a topic too.