Does quality matter?

in Reflections6 months ago

Does quality matter?

It seems like an easy question to answer, but in order to do so, it requires defining what is meant by the term quality. For instance, this photo shot out of the windscreen of my car with my phone this morning, is far from what would be considered a quality photo, yet it captures the moment I was looking to capture. And since there were no other options but the way I did it, is it quality enough?


This isn't a photography post though.

So, where is the quality in this post? For the most part, I see my "job" in life to facilitate thought and perhaps some discussion. I do wish that people would talk more in the comments sections with each other because I feel that builds a better community. But, I also appreciate that on Hive for at least this time, it is pretty cool that we can interact with the original writer directly, and continue the discussion from the article. As I figure, it is nearly impossible to build a sense of digital community without robust conversation, because it is pretty much only through this interaction that relationships can form.

A lot of the social platforms talk about community, but I also think it is interesting to note that the consumer is not often interacting consistently with the same people. It is more random stranger interaction based on a single post, and then interaction with a completely different set of strangers on the next. And for the most part, the more "famous" someone is, the less available they are to actually interact with the follower base. This isn't a community, as much as it is television. People can feel like they "know" the account they follow, but that account has no idea who they are.

It is one way.

It is hard to have a quality conversation if there is only one person talking, and that is what a lot of the social platforms encourage. It isn't about building lasting relationships, it is about people throwing their thoughts out into the digital space and looking for engagement, with no thought to longevity. An "influencer" with even only a few thousand followers doesn't know their audience, nor do they care, as long as they are getting attention for whatever they are spruiking.

(transitive, Australia) To promote a thing or idea to another person.

How many knew the meaning of that word?

One thing I like about Hive (there are a few things) is that there really isn't too much random selling of crap and the discussion is more around the ideas of things, and for the most part, it is pretty civil. This is likely because the points "scored" on Hive have some real-world value attached to them, not just some emotional sense of feeling superior to others by trying to bash an individual down.

Quality conversation?

I don't know what people consider is important quality these days, but I watch people eat low-taste food for lunch and as long as their belly is full, they think it was good. Others will expect far more from the taste, but not care if they are a little hungry afterward. For me, I value good conversations and I would rather have a short discussion on something interesting with differing opinions, than a lot of smalltalk that never gets any deeper.

Everyone has their flavor.

What is important to you?

[ Gen1: Hive ]


I do wish that people would talk more in the comments sections with each other

I don't know if it happens everywhere but I know on dA there were some people who were getting narky with other people for "butting in" on other people's threads in comment sections (mostly younger "kids", old farts like me who were coming in from forums were generally pretty whatever), I don't know if there's carryover from that.

Also talking to other people in the comments requires both talking to other people (which is apparently somewhere between a monumental effort and Cthulu-level terrifying) and reading the comment section (on your posts it probably triggers tldr).

An "influencer" with even only a few thousand followers doesn't know their audience, nor do they care, as long as they are getting attention for whatever they are spruiking.

But but but they tell us that they love each and every one of us :O

How many knew the meaning of that word?

I actually got confused when the next thing was the definition and then remembered it was slang ^_^;

The talk about quality reminded me of some conversation that happened on G+ a million years ago (I can't remember if I participated in it or just watched it happening) and someone straight up said that they didn't care one whit about how much time and effort had gone into something, regardcless of what it was they wanted it as cheap as possible or free and that was literally all that mattered to them.

I very maturely completely avoided them after that comment

there were some people who were getting narky with other people for "butting in" on other people's threads

Perhaps it depends on the topic. The thing is though, no one has to answer anything - so if someone is "butting in" on a conversation, teose in the conversation can just ignore.

But but but they tell us that they love each and every one of us :O

This fills the void in my heart.

I actually got confused when the next thing was the definition and then remembered it was slang ^_^;

I didn't realize it was slang until a few years ago. I just thought it was the name for that poor person forced to talk on the mike to passerbys who don't care what they are saying :D

regardcless of what it was they wanted it as cheap as possible or free and that was literally all that mattered to them.

I actually think that this is pretty common. No one wants child labor - but everyone wants cheap sneakers. :)

if someone is "butting in" on a conversation, teose in the conversation can just ignore.

That's logical right XD But apparently people have to take affront and viciously attack anything that tilts them because apparently absolutely nothing at all that they dislike has any right whatsoever to exist in their general vicinity or at all.

This fills the void in my heart

I just thought it was the name for that poor person forced to talk on the mike to passerbys who don't care what they are saying :D


No one wants child labor - but everyone wants cheap sneakers.

[flails in agreement]

They did said that there are some dark corners of Hive. With people going on a pissing off contest, like harassing a well known developer when it was hacked that he is not getting all back quick enough (the guy was quite upset as he put like 30 days and nights to get all from scratch after losing almost all the data and backups). Just something that made me think. As we are so dependent sometimes on some helpful apps, even if we know to do it manually. You know, comfort is a bad habit in the end.

You know, comfort is a bad habit in the end.

I think we should pay more attention to what we are willing to make comfortable in our lives, and the potential cost for doing so. If a company outsources its competitive advantage, what does it have left to offer the market?

Quality as far as blog posts is somewhat subjective. I am sure I like to read things that many do not and find uninteresting. That said, I do prefer a good conversation on a post if one can be established.

Interesting content is pretty useless, unless there is interesting conversation (even internal) to go along with it and perhaps lead to some kind of behavioral change.

Agreed. There is a lot one can gain from good healthy conversation, even if those conversing disagree.

Well I haven't ever run across that word before and even now, I don't know how to pronounce it lol.

You can absolutely learn things in the comments. Just lately I've started to engage with other commenters on a post, maybe once or twice. Somehow it always seems like highjacking, and most times I hesitate. You hesitate a moment and.....the moment's gone :)

Edit: Your photo really is good, it captures that moment, in those conditions, perfectly
Quality matters, but there are sometimes necessary compromises or sacrifices.

SPROOK - oo as in 'u' or 'ewwww'. xx

Thank you! 😀

I consider this spruiking ;D

Well I haven't ever run across that word before and even now, I don't know how to pronounce it lol.

Spruik, like Luke.

Somehow it always seems like highjacking, and most times I hesitate. You hesitate a moment and.....the moment's gone :)

No! I value it so much when people engage with each other. I would love there to be sprawling comment sections that go off on tangents :)

I will try to remember to use spruik in my day to day conversation, so it will stick in my brain lol.

I've seen some comment sections go off on tangents in several different directions. It really can be engaging.

I've often thought about the fact that I don't typically read other comments on a post that I comment on. I will read the post and if you comment back I read that, but for the most part I don't go and read other people's comments. I think some of that has to do with the personal nature of a lot of comments. Although it is public, it's still a discussion between the reader and you. How dare I interject into that... That's just my thinking anyway.

I do, especially if thigns are a bit quiet on HIVe and there's more happening in comment sections. And that way I get to interact with people who I wouldn't ordinarily, coz they either don't post much, don't post what I am interested in, or don't call past my blog. I find it really interesting. I used to think that too - that it was kinda rude to interject - but I don't think that applies here on HIVE really. It's just all one big awesome conversation with all kinds of people, whereever you are. PS I hope you dont think I'm rude for interjecting, haahha!

Nah, you are good. I get your points, but it's probably going to take a while for me to be comfortable doing something like that.

You've been around for ages though - and you're a good talker! I love seeing your comments, and I'm sure other people do too, wherever you are x

Yeah, I get that sense too and perhaps it depends on the type of post, but I reckon a lot of value comes from that interjection on a topic too.

I almost want to be a douche and vote "I don't give a crap" :D.

I think in the world today where there is such an obsession with mind-rot garbage, we have to find a better balance of quality and discussion. We just have to be careful not to be pretentious ivy-league fuckers and think our opinions are the best. There needs to be discussion but respect!

and vote "I don't give a crap" :D.

Is it douchey? :D

We just have to be careful not to be pretentious ivy-league fuckers and think our opinions are the best

Yep. Good discussion isn't about that kind of crap (unless actually interested in it). I think some just discuss topics because they think they are meant to. It is like watching the news to stay informed about the world - the wrong way and wrong reasoning.

I find myself saying often 'I had this conversation online the other day' or to Jamie, who knows Hive through me: 'I had this conversation on HIve the other day' about interesting things I've talked to relative strangers about. That's the value. When I read your posts, I don't remember the photos really - I remember what you have to say (not always) and the conversation under the post. That's value. Interactions. Don't talk AT me, talk to me, and with me. I don't see that depth on any other platform, even when things are quiet and the last three posts have had hardly any comments on them at all...

'I had this conversation online the other day'

It is pretty amazing, isn't it? I do the same and a lot of what I get out of the conversations is relevant to my physical world, because I tend to write about and engage with content that is relevant to me at this period of time. There is something about pure "entertainment" that doesn't tend to be relevant to the moment - it is like saying, I don' need this to be relevant to me, I am willing to waste the time doing something I can't use in any way.

Even if it is interesting.

If it is applicable though, if it adds richness to the conversations and relationships we have and the relevancy in those areas, it has high value.

It would be nice if everyone could interact in a post, in the comments section, as if we were in a chat room... the quality of a discussion can be seen by the level of interaction it has. Once it has achieved its purpose, I consider that to be the first big step. However, not everyone will have the same level of thought to participate in it. Some will be more serious than others, some will simply want to participate briefly and just enjoy listening (in this case, reading). You and someone else I know ;) quite succeed in making this happen.
And I agree that this is an advantage we have in Hive. There is more engagement and it feels more real than in other social networks. I also know one thing, you have to look at the motivations of each person for being here. That also says a lot about the participation of everyone and the seriousness with which it is done.

However, not everyone will have the same level of thought to participate in it

Of course not, but they can still add value perhaps. Or not - maybe the value is just being in the crowd - like at a football game.

. I also know one thing, you have to look at the motivations of each person for being here

Motivation and intentions are important. I think outcomes are secondary. It is like the old adage of "its the journey that matters".

They say that photos and colors capture our attention and it is very true, but also, if the content you are reading is interesting and captivating, the image takes a back seat, but who am I to talk about that if my photos are not very good, some eat for health and others for pleasure.

some eat for health and others for pleasure.

Yes. And there is an outcome to each :)

Quality discussion is important. I read the comments to your posts. And I often write comments.

Yep. I know you do - It is great :)

Quality does matter. But it is also very subjective, right? Commenting on Hive blogs is great and I am firmly in the team of people who read others' comments on a post, because it's an interesting conversation going on and I get to see different perspectives. I hardly ever comment on someone else's comment on somebody else' post (LOL) though but that's just me - I'm pretty quiet.

Still, just like everyone I love comments under my posts and will reply to each one of them but it usually does not end up in a bigger discussion, likely due to my content. On that note, I sometimes wonder how your brother keeps up with the gazillions of comments he is replying to. In that respect I am happy to not have as many comments - hahaha.

I think quality on online platforms is really subjective. For me, a lot of it comes from the discussions or conversations a post can spark. Without that dialogue, a lot of posts feel pretty useless. That’s not to say all posts need conversation, some, especially on technical topics, don’t require it. They just provide answers. But in general, the interaction is what gives a post value.

A lot of posts I read here leave me with questions or make me want to respond, and for me, that’s probably the biggest sign of quality. But honestly, I don’t always read other people’s comments on posts. I could, but sometimes it feels like it would take too long, and I’d rather move on to other posts from people I follow. It’s more of a time thing, I just can’t read every comment, except for the ones on my own posts.