From my experience, a lot of the psychologists get into their field because they are looking to find out why they themselves are suffering.
My wife would fully agree with that. She sits through professional development for her job in the mental health field and she often exclaims to me that she feels like the attendees are there looking for free therapy not because they want to enrich themselves professionally. There are tons of different jobs in the psychology field. I know several people who are on the research side of it, so they don't really even see patients.
Yep. I probably wouldn't be good with patients... I would be too "impatient" :D
Research would be good I think. Though I reckon designing experiences would have been pretty interesting.
My nephew is actually in the psychology field and I think he works at a state facility doing evaluations and things like that. It still deals with people, but not in the "therapy" sense. From what I hear working intake at the hospital can be quite exciting. My sister in law used to do that and she had some crazy stories!
I'd steer clear of hospitals these days - people are crazy! Though, it is far better on the private side it seems.
Yeah, I can definitely believe that. Most of those state run places are so underfunded it isn't funny.