My sister used to read all the time when we were kids. It kind of sucked because she would never play with me because she was always reading. It can almost be a bad thing sometimes. What is must be like to be able to clear your mind. It's impossible for me. Even when I try I find myself thinking about this or that. If I was ever able to accomplish it, I think the silence would kill me!
This is where Smallsteps has an advantage and disadvantage. The plan was for two, but that didn't work out.
It isn't pleasant. I think it would be different to be able to do it like a meditation, but for me it is a bit like having to consciously think about breathing - stop thinking, stop breathing. Obviously, I don't suffocate, but it is a bit like a mental suffocation and I sometimes wonder what would happen if I chose not to think again.
Wow, I can't even imagine. I hear you about it not working out. Things work out the way they are supposed to though. Universal balance and all of that I guess.