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RE: Positivity in darkness

in Reflections8 months ago

Beautiful flower!!

I think this is your hive winter in Northern Europe.

Spring was your beginnings, summer the best years of Pinmaple, great friends and wonderful times.

The retirement of Pinmaple was the autumn, with leaves changing color, wilting and eventually falling off the tree that was the beauty of your hive experience.

Your feeling now is winter, which is full of cold, death and despair. The good thing about winter is that it does turn into spring and summer again eventually, the question is just when. The summer and good times lasted quite a while now we have to go through the cycle of death in order to feed the tree of life for rebirth.

That’s how I think of the pickle you’re in!


That's a great analogy. Now you put it that way, it does feel a lot better
Thanks so much!!!

My work is done here 🤝

Hahaha kidding, but it is a good way to think of it! Keep going and it will turn into spring at some point, maybe when you least expect it!