I value my freedom above most things and it comes with a price. This sentence stole my entire car process. 🤯
Not gonna lie, many people have asked me who I am what I do, and I think it’s pretty simple. I am a coffee plant, but there’s so much that I do so it’s very difficult to answer in just a word. I prefer to see myself as someone who is unique.
It’s been a really long time since I have walked out or even got the time to read a book. it truly is inspiring to see the way you are able to do exactly exactly what I have been meaning to, but haven’t got the time. Thank you for writing, such an engaging post. Truly, looking forward to some wonderful conversations in the future.
Thank you!! I am glad you enjoyed it. And I can see that sometimes it takes a lot of effort to make space for the things that are important to us, especially if they give a slower or more longterm gratification (such as reading books for example). When that happens though I also notice, that just taking a bit of time off for these things usually leaves you with more time/energy for all the rest... :)