Recently, attending my son's university orientation. I was sitting through some sessions where the university staff provided presentations on various topics. As I at through the presentations I started noticing grown adults with heads in their phones paying no attention to the staff members presenting to us parents. So yeah, adults are subject to this "disease" too.
Adults have it too for sure. The older ones at least weren't born that way - so they have some other skills learned in the dark ages before smartphones :)
I know, but you wouldn't think so sometimes by the way they behave. As you know, I don't get out much as most people. When I do, the last thing I want to do is be on a phone or computer. Most times I would like to take everything in and enjoy the real world around me. Maybe that is why I am a little more hyper sensitive to the issue?
For sure. It is sad too, because it is like a doubling-down, because that is what the kids see too. Parents being the role models, and parents encouraging passivity in children, because it is convenient.
Perhaps. I think it might also be because you aren't out much, so you end up paying attention more. It is like going from a dark room into the light and your eyes squint to see the world - a natural reaction perhaps?
I think it is that going from the dark room thing and some other mental wonkiness that make me hyper sensitive to surroundings. Either way, I will admit I see some of this in my younger son too, but luckily he likes the outdoors and will push away from the computer or games to do non-virtual stuff. He is also getting involved with more social activities in university, which I hope will actually be social.