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RE: Looking closely

in Reflections9 months ago (edited)

Honestly I'm at that point in my life right now where I'm thinking of throwing in the towel on my career and taking life a bit more slowly. It's been twenty three years of hard work... I call it hard labour, because that's actually what it has been for me. I am not quitting in defeat but I feel I just have to say to the whole system, "f**k you"... and go on to do other things with my life. All these years I have served the system, now it's time to serve 'me'. It is an unfair system, an enemy, so to speak, because they make you give your all, with no commensurate compensation...😔 I know it's very different in your world huh?


Many people put the yoke of financial burden upon their own shoulders through bad decisions that often involve credit debt, and others are collared by default due to how society is these days; the system is geared towards holding people back, keeping them in debt so they 'have to go to work' which keeps the cycle turning. Getting off that roundabout is difficult.

Things aren't too bad here when compared to countries like yours, however things are far from good; each place has its unique challenges I guess.

That's just it...