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RE: Disciplined

in Reflections • yesterday

Those are really good tips! I haven't heard of almost any of them before 😳.

I found the 30 minute blocks idea the most interesting, I will definitely try that out myself at work.
I already sort of do this type of excercise, but I haven't given it any structure. I take many small breaks throughout the work day, but these all vary from 2 minutes to 30 minutes randomly and I don't do them every half an hour.

I very much value keeping the brain excercised and sharp, so I will not hesitate to try out any tricks to help with that.

Luckily I have a very lenient job, so I could try out all of these ideas, maybe not the 120 seconds jobs one, but I will slowly but surely get to them, if I don't forget about the tips 😅


I think most people probably do things that keep them on the right track and moving forward (disciplined) but probably don't realise they're doing them. I tend to think things through and develop systems that work for me. Not all of the things on the list are mine, I've just picked them up along the way and if it works then why not keep doing it.

I'm glad you found something you kikes and hopefully when you implement it you'll recognise some benefits over time.