We all experience difficult situations and handle them differently; I guess also, that what one person deems difficult may not seem that way by another. What constitutes a difficult situation can be varied and differ from situation to situation such as in personal or professional life, in family or social situations, general society and other aspects as well. I’ve had my share of them and feel I’ve mostly dealt with them well and on those occasions I’ve handled them badly I always reflected and learned from them...usually.
Recently I’ve been dealing with a very difficult and highly-charged work situation with a client and have gone through the different phases swinging from extremely problematic and stressful moments to moving forward in leaps and bounds. It’s been several weeks of effort and I’m happy to say, despite the complexities, a successful result was achieved and I have a happy client. That’s not to say they were happy throughout the process, they have been very difficult to work with, but just as I have found the situation challenging they have too and they’re well within their rights to react to the duress in their own way. These types of interactions between human beings don’t always go well, people can be totally unreasonable, but in this case it’s not gone too badly.
I finalised this challenging situation a week or so ago and had thought I was done with it but a couple days ago it came back to me and I was blown away by what happened.
I won’t go completely into what happened but in a nutshell, the client had sent through a letter to the Director of the organisation I work for in which I was mentioned many times and after the meeting I had with the Director during which I read the letter I just couldn’t believe what I’d read.
Words like, exemplary service and professionalism, extremely knowledgeable, results-focused, personable, decisive, inclusive, expert communicator, organised, responsible, ethical and other such words were scattered throughout the letter; that’s right, the letter was to praise my efforts, how I’d dealt with the situation and attained the results and solutions that ensued. A letter of gratitude.
The Director expects those things from me when I represent the organisation and internally with others within the organisation as well of course, and he knows I deliver, but he was really grateful that I’d managed to satisfy the client, one of our largest and most lucrative, and that I'd exceeded their expectations on a matter of vital importance to both parties and maintain that consistency through the several weeks of the process. I didn’t get a pay rise, but his thanks and gratitude, plus that of the client, was all I could have asked for.
And then the gift arrived the next day.
I don’t want to say what it was other than to say it was significant and quite clearly very expensive...very. It was also totally relevant to me personally demonstrating that the client cared enough to learn and understand who I was as a person and match their gift to me specifically. I was quite humbled really, but also felt happy that my efforts in handling this situation were so appreciated considering it could have gone pear shaped; I’ve done similar with other clients and not a word of thanks is spoken sometimes, so to receive it was a welcome change.
These things don’t always go so well and sometimes difficult situations and interactions become such thorns in our sides and cause a great deal of anxiety, stress, anger, resentment and other such (avoidable) things. This is usually because the sense of entitlement people feel, inflexibility, ego, hubris and pride – we all feel those things at some stage – but the best way forward is to avoid those feelings as things will be smoother if everyone works together and respectfully towards the same outcomes.
The client showing gratitude, thanks and appreciation helped round out the situation and sets the time for next time. That doesn’t have to be thank you letters and gifts either; a simple word of “thanks" goes a very long way...but it's a word society seems to forget much of the time, generally speaking.
What do you think? Have you had situations like this go very well or very badly?
What happened throughout, how did you and the others deal with it personally and what were the outcomes? Are you the type to offer thanks and appreciation to those who assist you or do you feel that isn’t an important part of interactions like this? Have you received such gratitude and if so how did it make you feel?
If you’d like to comment on this or anything else, please do.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
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Image(s) in this post are my own
Yay for everything going well and the client being that happy that they showed it :D
Every time you describe your job (even if it's vaguely for obvious reasons) I always feel glad that I have my tiny little low paying thing where the hardest thing I have to deal with are neurospicy kids who may have had a bad day earlier or just really don't feel like doing the things I'm trying to get them to do.
And having said that apparently the parents like how I deal with their babies enough that I seem to end up with a hell of a lot of chocolate at the end of the year ^_^
I'm very focused on not working and have a date for that to occur, but in the mean time I have to do what I do and at a high level due to the demanding scenarios. I really wish I had a more simple job, I look around from time to time, but until then...complex, difficult and stressful.
I think reward/thanks/gratitude can come in so many ways and, as I've said, it's not always monetary. I get the impression you're very well regarded and that pays dividends in chocolate it seems. Good one!
On the bright side of that you'll be able to retire comfortably, I think I'm pretty much doomed ^_^;
A lot of this rang true for me as well... I've definitely had situations that were so tough and so brutal that I thought the other person absolutely hated me... and then they turn around and sing my praises way more than anyone else ever.
Obviously I don't know your situation, but I don't know if some people just run very hot and very cold, or if they're super self-aware and realize their situation was super difficult and were impressed that you got there in the end? Or if it's something else entirely.
I've worked at a few companies where they have physical or online thank you cards, and it honestly makes the absolute world of difference. It's totally free and simple and takes literal seconds but people appreciate it so much.
The words, thank you genuinely spoken mean a lot to both parties right? It's a simple concept but one that is not deployed as often as it should.
I think you're right in that there's hot and cold people, I deal with them all the time and maybe because their situation or need is so pressing for them in that moment that they allow their emotions to run away with them. It happens to me also but I've learned to control it, step away, se different perspectives and to focus on the result not the person (among other things) and that means I deal with things better.
What struck me as really cool was the way the client acknowledged the situation/result and I'm pretty sure that's because they know they were an annoying bunch of mother fuckers for several weeks...like we can all be. It wasn't an easy process and many times I wanted to
kill someone onedeal with things differently but whether they're right or not, they're always the client so I had to uphold my professionalism and exert personal control and simply move things forward as best I can. It seems they feel I did a good job, hard though it was.Honestly, I'm pretty impressed that they were that self-aware. Not everyone realizes when they're being difficult. Well done on the no fatalities!
Maybe they recognised how close they came to
deathme being miffed and decided to smooth the waters? 🤔Very happy for you that you had that moment - I know how it feels! I had to deal with many, many difficult clients throughout the years. I got a lot better over time, and managed some really, really difficult ones over time. My girlfriend works in direct contact to her clients, too, and we have a lot of clients in common. It's fun to tell each other how shitty some of them treat us, takes some of the edge of.
I try to teach that way of handling difficult clients with professionalism and kindness, even though they annoy the f out of me or my proteges. It helps to realize that everyone lives in their own little hell, and that all we can about others is being kind and staying on our course.
I thank a lot. All the time. I prefer being too thankful (and feel it, not just say it), than missing out. As company founder, I have to be quite harsh and demanding sometimes, so I really try hard to even that out by recognizing progress and jobs well done. It's also very important to me that people express it, a part of good manners, a base of communication.
And yes, I have received a lot of gratitude over the years. But I can't recall a story like yours, that someone very difficult came out so positively. You really must have done an outstanding job, congratulations!
People often forget how important person to person interaction can be in the moment and for future occasions and, of course, manners in general seem to be in decline across the board. It doesn't take long or any real effort to show some gratitude but the benefit that can come from it is huge.
People have their own scenarios to work around and they sometimes exert pressure which can cause them to focus on their own needs rather than others, and therefore bring less than optimal performance/manners etc. it's a shame really, but it's a human thing I guess.
I am a person who is always grateful, and always from the heart, because I believe that gratitude is an extremely important thing, a very powerful energy that makes the universe bring us more positive things. I always say thank you. I don't always receive them, not all the time, but in many important matters, jobs, guidance in a problem, a chat between friends, and that thank you feels so good....
Recently something strong happened to me: I helped someone with a suggestion of something I learned in my life, the person followed my suggestion and told me .... you saved my life... literally, it was enough for me, it filled my heart.
Saving someone's life is a big thing so well done on that, I'm sure their gratitude to you was genuine and happily given.
It was, I assure you I felt immense happiness.
When I resigned from the library, there were many small tokens of gratitude from my long-time patrons and even the young adults who attended my Dungeons & Dragons sessions there. Many offered prayers and well wishes, too, which were no less appreciated.
I didn't know you'd moved on to something new,was this a recent thing?
It's nice to be appreciated and respected and those small tokens of gratitude probably helped you move on with confidence knowing you'd done the right thing. Well done.
I quit just before Christmas. I regret the choice in many ways, but administration above the level of branch manager had become completely intolerable, and the long-promised pay increase was accompanied by a reduction in hours. My job title was ranked well below the level of responsibilities I had assumed. It was difficult, and the absence of appreciation within the upper echelons of the organization for the people doing the work was palpable. My story is just one of many from other staff slighted in similar ways.
Hmm, that sounds like a familiar story I've heard from others. I also hear a lot about how awesome things are going generally, but don't see a lot of evidence of it. I hope you moved on to something better/more suited.
Honestly no. Winter has been a mix of sickness and sorting through stuff while I try to decide what comes next. I still need to cover one more stage of car repair/maintenance and then I plan to set out on a road trip to decide where to try putting down roots again. This area is dead to me aside from family connections.
I'm sure you'll plot out the right thing and move that way. Of course, there's often false starts and wrong paths but it's those that helps one find the right ones and the momentum to follow them. All the best.
Well done on accepting the challenge with a manner that your client found most acceptable.
Obviously able to show reasoning with difficult situation presenting itself, some never receive the praise they deserve, nice when receiving when not expecting it either.
The power of genuine gratitude is immense and it's easily given and doesn't have to cost anything either. People over complicate it but, thank you, works the most effectively I think.
Hi @galenkp, I can only say congratulations. Ego doesn't lead anywhere good.
Thank you, I appreciate that.
You are welcome. 🙏
Congrats on a job well done! I don't think I would probably get must stuff like that if I was in the private sector. I have become kind of jaded and stuck in my ways. It's not something I am proud of, but I do the best I can. It's actually a series of long stories that I likely will never get into here :) My wife is much better at dealing with stuff like that than I am!
I think a lot of people become like that for various reasons so you're not alone there. I have too but I fight against it because I don't like feeling that way; I'm also not afraid of change so if I realise it's the job causing the issue I look to leave or make changes so that I can shake it off.
That makes a lot of sense. I think my biggest problem is when I decided to go into tech I didn't realize how much of a service position it is. People take and take take and you never get much back. It grinds you down. Most of the time it is good though :)
I get it. People want their shit fixed and then just move on when it is. I still think gratitude should be shown, but it's often the first thing people neglect when caught up in their own moments.
Very true! I was telling someone the other day, people never come to us because they just want to talk, they only come when they need something and it hurts a little. I used to do performance surveys each year to see how people felt about the job I was doing, but I eventually stopped because people are just mean. Not constructive, just mean.
That's undeniably a good read and truly an inspiration. Loving what you do is an obvious scenario added with "going the extra mile" is apparent based from the performance review. You did well and this story is inspiring many. And yes, you deserve the reward and the reverberating "thank you." Thanks for this wonderful post😇
I think it's the least a person can do to perform their job at their best level which is pretty much all I did in this case and in every case; that's what I'm paid for. Of course, so many people choose to perform at suboptimal levels for whatever reason.
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What a great story, well done on completing the challenging project and yes I’ve had a few over the years; some downright crazy in terms of expectations. So when you get a genuine thanks, like you’ve had, it makes it worthwhile and restores faith in humanity.
Humanity is something I have little faith in and it gets less all the times, but there's good people out there and situations like this one are a good reminder.
I agree, humanity is 98% twat. Maybe I’m being too kind? Perhaps 99.988888%??
Rolex.. or Lambo..?
Do tell.
Lol...it was a holiday actually.
Ahhh.. the recent week off paid or a paid trip?
Nah, it's upcoming, one of those 3-4 day getaway things. Should be good.
It's great that the client acknowledged that you went above and beyond for them. Enjoy the present, and remember your accomplishment every time you look at it :)
It was good indeed.
Btw can I ask u what do u do ? U get such type of clients in your life. Well there are usually such people but depend on the path you are in I think......
Of course you can ask what I do for work.
Today I asked the director's secretary to pack a sweet package as a gift for an agent at Telekom, whom I call when the director has requests. A couple of chocolates, a package of biscuits, juices, a small sign of attention that will be a hit with "Thank you".
I also had a very stressful situation in the company, during the development of a project, when I had to justify the incurred costs. It was not my fault, but I was cited for no reason as someone who influenced the increase in costs. When after a few days I did the analysis and presented the "updated" expenses to the owner of the company, I received thanks and a nice bonus in addition to my regular salary. But I deserved that bonus...