Light bulb moments

in Reflections3 months ago


Nothing is more terrible than activity without insight.

- Thomas Carlyle -

I've had a few, moments where it's felt like the light just switched and everything became clear; some were professional and some personal situations but either way it's been welcome because it's allowed me to move forward and onwards with my life and in better ways.

A few weeks ago I had one such moment when every thought, deliberation, concern and opportunity converged to the same point and the light just went on. I don't want to say much about the situation itself but it was like I'd been unshackled or like the handbrake had been released and I was, all of a sudden, moving forward with pace. Awesome.

I was chatting with a work colleague last week who told me about his own recent light bulb moment and it was cool because it's both personal and professional - it's about him realising something he's doing is preventing him from doing other things - and through stopping one and pushing forward with the other he'll see a great benefit. Anyway, I told him that it's to his credit he's come up with this epiphany on his own, been open to it, because it'll mean he's more likely to own it, and make it happen.

It can be difficult to see the forest for the trees, meaning we are often so enmeshed in our lives and situations that it's sometimes difficult to see better ways and options, we also get set in our ways, and that can be limiting. I believe it's on each of us, our own responsibility, to be open to these moments and that can be easily achieved simply by thinking things through, looking objectively and with honesty at the aspects of life that are working or not working...seeing it, acknowledging it and then acting on it is the path to better results.

Have you ever had a light bulb moment when something suddenly became apparent, the fog lifted, and you were able to see it more clearly? It's really cool when it happens; if you're ok to share it then do so in the comments as I'd be keen to hear the story and how things worked out.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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There is something almost magical about a light bulb moment when you feel everything align. I like it when they occur!

It's good when it happens, and when it does one must capitalise.

Always hop onto it like a Labrador on a slice of buttered toast!

Like a puppy.

Born in the belly of the beast! 🤣🤣

I am making a big change with the new year. I am very uncomfortable with the uncertainty, but the status quo could no longer be sustained.

I know I'm being tiresomely vague, but while I haven't posted much this month, I have been busy preparing for change. I don't have a plan, but I have concepts of a plan...

I see this as exciting and inspirational at the same time mainly because through getting uncomfortable, in the context you put it, people usually put themselves in a position to make big changes and it's through big changes that great things can happen.

It seems you have the direction or goal and the early stages of a plan so I'd say you're on the right track. Well done and all the best with it.

Any landing you can walk away from, and all that...

I've definitely had a moment or two like that. Unfortunately the one I can remember caused a lot of hurt for another person, but I know it was necessary and the best move at the time. My friend had one professionally a while ago when he realized he didn't need to keep doing the grind like he thought and he was finally able to open his own business full time. He is so much happier now.

It opens new opportunities and allows us to move forward in one way or another and that's often personally rewarding.

Have you ever had a light bulb moment when something suddenly became apparent, the fog lifted, and you were able to see it more clearly?

At times I have no ideas for new art pieces. But at some point later those ideas arrive and I can create something again. I was in a similar situation with solving puzzles. At times pieces just doesn't seem to fit with one another. Other times for a while every puzzle piece I pick fits perfectly.

When the light bulbs goes on, figuratively, it's really cool as one can push on with things and that's when we make great achievements.

At least twice a day the fog lifts. Then right back to the brain fog. Paying for my wasted youth I suppose?

Maybe, but I also know you make many good decisions.

You are correct my friend. Many life saving decisions while behind the wheel.

Hi Galen, I have had several "Epiphany" moments in my life. And some false epiphanies. Now, I find myself driven by one of those moments in which I see everything clearer. In which I move forward differentiating the important from the superfluous in life. I believe that everyone has the ability to reach these moments of clarity. We have to stop, be able to be honest with ourselves and listen to those inner voices (perhaps it can be called intuition), which some time ago warned us that something is not working in our life or that it is working, but it could work better.

I agree, finding those poignant moments of clarity is within everyone's reach but so many people cill their lives and minds with the superfluous things you mention and that clouds vision and judgement.

Totally agree Galen, and there are so many things to waste time with 😅. Anyway, everyone is master of his own life ....

I've had a lot of those moments, as if they were visions... on one occasion a few years ago just my mind created a new personal venture, something I could do in conjunction with my current job and it fit perfectly in everything, timing, clients, sales and it all worked out perfectly. It was like something told me... do this is good and I did it!

Yay for whatever that something was.

It was great! And it still accompanies me and gives me those illuminations!

My light bulb moments are always random, which is why sometimes I like to sit on questions/decisions for a few days, and see if a better solution comes along after a few days.