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RE: Coffee drinking and acorn thinking

in Reflections2 years ago

I wasn't permitted coffee for a long time either, in fact I can't even recall the age at which my parents allowed it, early teens I guess, but that's a guess. My mum was more of a tea drinker and my did wasn't all that keen on either.

Forty years old? Yep, I know a few like you who have not tried it, or tried it and didn't like it and then acquired the taste later on in life. (life starts at 40 they say.)

I was chatting with someone the other day, cannot recall who, about the way our tastes change. Like olives...many hate them early on and then come to love them. Other things too...I used to hate pumpkin, brussels sprouts, broccoli and stuff like that when I was a kid and now I eat fresh produce like that daily, and love it. Music, clothing, books, movies, tolerance to many things change as we get older huh?