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RE: Coffee drinking and acorn thinking

in Reflections2 years ago

Acorns... oaks... acorns.... oaks.... and sometimes when you're an acorn, you just get eaten by a squirrel ! LOL

Coffee ... hmmmm.... My parents had a pot of coffee perking every morning before I woke up. It smelled so wonderful. Because of the caffeine, they did not let us have any of it early. I don't know what age I was when I had my first taste. BOY ! was I surprised ! It was HORRBLE !! LOL... ewww ...bitter.... yuck !

Then I grew up and I still didn't start drinking it till my early 40s. When all the coffee houses started springing up and had the very sweet flavored coffees, THEN I thought I needed to try a few, usually something that had a vanilla flavor. I found I liked it that way, but for real, you know that is not really coffee drinking. Within a couple of years I moved across the country and the facility I worked in ran 24/7, so there was always coffee in the breakroom, provided by the company. Since it was available and free, I began to have a cup nearly every morning that I worked. Sometimes I would put the slightest bit of sugar in it, just to balance the bitter, but not enough to make it extra sweet. I stopped that though and mostly drink it black. What I make it with my drip pot at home it is nearly always black and when I drink it at Mom's I drink it black. On rare occasion I might put something like amaretto in it as I love that flavor. I do like different kinds of coffee though and they do taste really different depending on the lightness or darkness of the roast. I normally like something along the medium roast though. I rarely buy real cream, but it does make a great cold coffee beverage, to put some in a strong cup of coffee. That's pretty yummy too.

I see I was kind of rambling all over there. I suppose I don't have just one rule and will try most any kind at least once. In general I do love good coffee and mostly just drink mine black unless I go to a coffee house and then I get something flavored.... with an extra shot of expresso in it. That really rarely happens anymore though.


I wasn't permitted coffee for a long time either, in fact I can't even recall the age at which my parents allowed it, early teens I guess, but that's a guess. My mum was more of a tea drinker and my did wasn't all that keen on either.

Forty years old? Yep, I know a few like you who have not tried it, or tried it and didn't like it and then acquired the taste later on in life. (life starts at 40 they say.)

I was chatting with someone the other day, cannot recall who, about the way our tastes change. Like olives...many hate them early on and then come to love them. Other things too...I used to hate pumpkin, brussels sprouts, broccoli and stuff like that when I was a kid and now I eat fresh produce like that daily, and love it. Music, clothing, books, movies, tolerance to many things change as we get older huh?